10 Most Common Misconceptions About Dogs Described

We’ve probably all heard the most common misconceptions about French Bulldog dogs and puppies in our lifetime. Some of them that we have now learned are completely false, however we are still curious about others. Here is a list of the 10 most typical misconceptions and also the truth, or lies, in them.

1. In case your French Bulldog puppy’s nose is hot, this means that he is sick.

Unlike people, you cannot tell if your pet has a fever by feeling the temperature of its nose. Others claim that if your dog has a cold, wet nose, it means that he is healthy and a warm, dry nose means that he is sick. The only method by which you can accurately and with certainty know your dog’s temperature is to see a veterinarian to have his temperature taken.

2. Purebred dogs transmit more health problems than stray dogs.

This couldn’t be more wrong. All breeds of dogs have health problems, regardless of type. And the same goes for stray dogs. Your dog that is part French Bulldog puppy can have similar problems as a full-blood French Bulldog, among other health problems, and vice versa.

3. This dog wags his tail, which means he likes me and he’s friendly!

Well, this pet that you could only just like. Or he’s planning to attack you. Aggressive dogs wag their tails as well, although with less motion than happy, excited dogs. Note that not all wagging tails mean happiness.

4. Only male dogs have a hump.

It is not a coincidence, very false. You will find many females, especially dominant females, who will “ride” other dogs in addition to their humans. This is really his method of demonstrating his dominance over you or even the other dogs.

5. Feeding my French Bulldog puppy table scraps won’t hurt!

Sometimes this is correct. You will find many human foods that are ideal for dogs, for example carrots with other vegetables. However, bones, fat, garlic cloves, onions, all kinds of peppers, and many more can be very harmful. Also, these types of foods can cause your pet to gain weight quickly, which is very unhealthy.

6. I don’t need a flea preventative – I give my dog ​​garlic cloves to help keep fleas away!

There is no scientific proof that garlic cloves prevent fleas, and garlic cloves are toxic to dogs in considerable amounts. Stop garlic clove remedies and get a real flea preventative!

7. My dog ​​eats grass when his stomach is sick.

Experts cannot agree on whether dogs eat grass because their stomach is sick or maybe if they consume grass and after that their stomach gets sick. One factor that they are fully aware of without a doubt is the fact that herb was once a standard feature of their diet plan. Wild dogs and wolves consume the stomach from kills, including grass along with other vegetables. Including vegetables in your diet is simply a natural instinct for French Bulldog puppies.

8. My dog ​​will no longer eat his pet’s food because he doesn’t like the taste of it.

Dogs have quite a bit of taste buds in their mouths, which is probably a good thing when they feed on dead creatures. Now that they have tasty canned food and tasty treats, it doesn’t have any benefit either way. Dogs eat according to the smell of a food, not the taste. Do you want your pet to consume? Let it smell tasty!

9. Dogs lick their wounds as it promotes healing.

This may be a little true. Dogs lick their wounds to ease discomfort and allow the natural bacteria within their mouths to help the wound heal. However, an excessive amount of licking can prevent the recovery process in some cases.

10. I don’t have to worry, my puppy will let me know when he is not feeling well.

Completely false. Dogs have a natural defense to cover themselves when they are not feeling well so as not to appear weak to prey in the wild. Having to pay close attention to your normal actions and knowing when these actions are wrong is the easiest method of knowing if your French Bulldog puppy is not feeling well.

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