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Health Fitness

Bigger Butt Workouts: DVDs to Help You Get a Bigger Butt

Get the body of your dreams with exercises for a bigger butt! Some women struggle with motivation when it comes to exercising. Maybe you’re not sure exactly what exercises to do, how to do them correctly, or how many reps you need to do to see results. Home workout...

Safe and healthy weight loss tips for fighters

Tip #1: Eat the Right Amount of Protein The muscles in your body is where the energy you get from your food goes. They are what moves you on the wrestling mat and allows you to do the physical things that you do; your muscular system is where your...

So what’s the buzz about core strengthening?

Recently, everyone in the exercise and fitness industry seems to be talking about core strengthening. The core of your body, the area around your trunk and pelvis, is where your center of gravity is. It is the nexus of all the movements of your body. A strong core gives...

Personalization and planning of your menu

For the Host and Hostess with more Who said planning your own menu is boring? The hardest part is coming up with a planned selection of delicious recipes for personalized entertainment. You can mix and match to make your menu interesting and exciting. You can choose a dinner that...

Reasons why you should buy weight shakes

If you are looking for ways to increase your weight effectively, you should beware of the latest products that aim to help you accomplish this task. The market is full of various equipment and devices that promise to improve your body physique and make you add some weight by...

Top 10 aerobic exercises

Aerobic exercises are also known to increase endurance and work to increase the functioning of the cardiovascular system to pump oxygen throughout the body efficiently. Regular aerobic exercise increases the amount of oxygen to the body’s cells, strengthens the heart to improve its ability to pump blood efficiently, builds...

Homeopathic Medicine: Does it work?

An old argument has broken out again with the British National Health Service (NHS) closing in on a decision to stop providing homeopathic medicines. It appears that a macro analysis of several large controlled trials has shown no significant effect. At the same time, it is recognized that a...

What are simple and complex carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates, sometimes called carbohydrates, are the main source of energy for the body and include both simple sugars and larger complex carbohydrates. Your body can use carbohydrates right away or convert them to a storage form called glycogen. Excess carbohydrates can also be converted to fat. Carbohydrates are an...

Tips for building muscles and good health

Trying to build muscle by overeating without a proper diet plan and proper exercise is not the answer, as it could lead to unintended consequences, such as creating belly fat and health problems like cholesterol buildup, diabetes, and other related diseases. This is especially so with people who live...

Sprint: increase your vertical jump capacity with this exercise

Many of the jump training programs out there use a multi-pronged approach to help you gain inches on your vertical jump. Most include some form of weight training, agility work, jumping technique, rest periods, and flexibility. A common, but often overlooked exercise that you can use to increase your...