Good truth or dare questions

Truth or Dare is primarily a board game played by teenagers and adults. So in this article find the good truth or dare questions for your game. So you can take note of this and play without the strain of awesomeness, and avoid the embarrassment.

truth or dare questions

good truth questions

  1. When was the last time you lied and what was it about?
  2. Have you ever been caught lying? When it was?
  3. What are you most attracted to in a person of the opposite sex?
  4. Have you cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife?
  5. What is your biggest turnoff?
  6. If you could have a chance to date someone in this room, who would you choose? And because?
  7. What are you most self-aware of?
  8. Who are you jealous of?
  9. Have you ever rejected someone or been rejected?
  10. If your partner has gained 100 pounds, would you still love him?
  11. What’s that TV show you’re embarrassed to admit you’re watching?
  12. Who do you think in this room would be the worst person to get stuck in an elevator?
  13. What would you do if you were given the chance to be the opposite sex for a day?
  14. Have you stolen something? What was it?
  15. If you only had one day to live, what would you do and who would you like to spend it with?
  16. Who was your first kiss and how old were you then?
  17. Do you ever fantasize about someone while you work?
  18. What was your first impression of me (referring to the person asking the “truth” question)?

Good challenge questions

  1. Wear your underwear over your clothes and quickly run to the street and back.
  2. Put on some club music and challenge that person to twerk like Miley Cyrus for two minutes.
  3. Challenge the person to go to the nearest grocery store, bakery, or pharmacy with no money and try to buy something.
  4. Challenge the person to call their ex and say “I miss you.”
  5. Challenge the person to go out and greet everyone who passes for 10 minutes.
  6. Challenge the person to push a coin around the toilet seat with their tongue.
  7. Challenge the person not to speak until it is their time to ask questions.
  8. Challenge the person to perform a lap dance for two minutes with one of the playing members of the same sex.
  9. Challenge the person to come out and sing the song “A Whole New World” at the top of their lungs.
  10. Challenge the person to kiss someone of the same gender who is present in the game.
  11. Dare to drink a concoction prepared by the participants. (But make sure it doesn’t contain anything that is harmful and dangerous to the subject’s health.)
  12. Dare to prank someone you know.
  13. Dare to do a belly dance.
  14. Dare to use a corny phrase to flirt with a stranger.
  15. Dare to drink a glass of water in one gulp.
  16. Dare to do 50 sit-ups.

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