It’s never enough

We have all met people who never get tired of anything. No matter how much you give them, it’s never enough. They always want more of everything. No matter what it is, be it material goods or all of yourself, it is never enough and they keep wanting more.

For the most part, these people are selfish and inconsiderate. Some dress it up so that they are always smiling and saying thank you thank you thank you, but the reality is that they are just saying and doing whatever they think is necessary to keep you hooked so that you continue to feed their greed and selfishness and can continue to take advantage of you. you.

These people are probably the hardest people to walk away from, and you can stay hooked for decades, even knowing how toxic they are. But rest assured that they will always find someone else to take their place after you leave them because no one is irreplaceable and selfish and inconsiderate people will never exist in a vacuum; they will always find someone else to meet their needs.

One of the things that I have noticed about these selfish and inconsiderate people is that they are never happy. They may have the occasional happy moment, but it goes by so fast it’s like it never happened. They are also the most negative people because many of them have learned to disguise it so well that unless you are very sensitive to the vibration, you won’t realize your depression is coming from them because they are smiling and saying the right things.

But, not everyone who is selfish and inconsiderate has learned the trick of disguising their greed and negativity to make it easier to walk away from them. It may still take you a few years to break through, but at least it’s easier than those who have learned to cover it up.

Life is about learning experiences. One of the most important lessons I have learned is that no amount of counseling can change a person’s true nature. Those who have good acting skills can make it seem like they’re making the kind of progress that makes you try harder and harder to help them change their life. The news is that nothing has changed, least of all his true self.

These people are no happier or better off than when you met them, and all your hard work counts for nothing. The only thing they take away from years of counseling is that they have learned more effective ways to trick people into getting what they want. My only advice is to remove that person from your life as soon as you recognize the signs.

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