Jazz CD – Mario Rom’s Interzone: Dark Charms

A double bass, a drums, a trumpet – that’s all: Mario Rom’s “Interzone” doesn’t care about tasty harmonies. But the intensity is the key here. For ten years now, Rome’s trumpet has emerged from the rolling rhythms of Herbert Pirker and bassist Lukas Kranzelbinder. This trio jazz, sometimes with a bluesy flavor and interwoven with psychedelic moments of calm, wants above all to be a resounding event – and to convey a mythical aura. The band, which flirts with the literature of William S. Burroughs and the filmmaking of David Lynch, cultivates a correspondingly alluring gloom in their sound.

The latest trick “Eternal Fiction” sticks to this and is largely convincing. The hard shuffle of “Matala” ties in with the trio’s dark highlights, “No Measure Of Health” falls into the house with a surge of notes that condenses into drilled lines. Humor also flashes: Strangely grim in the swinging “What You Say?”, Mischievous in “Here ?? s To Another Decade”: The welcome piece for the 2020s makes the impression of a Sonny Rollins song, the melody of which is in the chopper is: somehow battered, but still happy. Maybe intended as an encouragement for the Corona contemporaries.

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