How not to be lazy at work in 3 simple steps

Wondering how not to be lazy at work? It is true; we procrastinate and feel a bit lethargic at times. But in today’s busy world, we all have responsibilities that can’t wait, so we can’t afford to be unproductive. Instead of wasting time reading blogs on the internet or...

Simultaneous feeding schedule for twins

Just like breastfed twins, bottle-fed babies can follow a staggered or simultaneous feeding schedule. Some mothers prefer to feed their babies one at a time so they can easily focus on each baby. Ann Tran, a mother of twins, found that “feeding both of them at the same time...

Top 3 Must-See Sites in Zambia

When you think of Zambia, do you think of the thunderous Victoria Falls? This magnificent sight (and sound!) draws visitors from around the world to experience a magical, pulsating world of mist, cool water, and abundant wildlife. However, as remarkable as the falls are, Zambia has much more to...

Is Online Casino Legal in India?

Online Casino Legal The present legislation for gambling and gaming does not provide any clarity in relation to ‘online gaming.’ While entry 26 of the Indian Constitution deals with trade and commerce, it is unclear if this extends to online gaming. However, the High Courts of Karnataka and Madras...

SEO or search engine optimization: what is it?

Many ask themselves the question today, what is SEO? Many may know what “search engine optimization” means, but what is it? To make it very simple it is nothing more than how we organize our web pages. The idea is to organize the pages so that they rank higher...

The 4 best shared office spaces in the Singapore of your dreams

Whether you need shared office space, meeting clients, or a shared desk for your side hustle, Singapore’s wide variety of coworking spaces have you covered. Wi-Fi may be free for everyone, but it’s the shared office infrastructure that sets the top 4 apart. Ambitious small businesses can never go...

Ayurvedic home remedies for common ailments

Although Ayurveda has existed for thousands of years in the Indian subcontinent, the world is only now realizing its benefits. Ranked by Congressional Member Shashi Tharoor as one of the best “soft powers” India has to offer the world, Ayurveda, or the “science of life,” presents us with ancient...