Parrot Basic Instincts

I’ve had quite a few conversations this past month with people about parrot behavior. Why do they do what they do anyway? In the most basic sense, it all comes down to one thing: Instinct. Ok, so what is that exactly? Technically, they are innate behavior patterns and responses to stimuli (including reflexes). Sounds a bit boring right? But that’s why parrots do certain things.

Whether parrots are in the rain forest, on the plains, or in your living room, they have the SAME instincts. Parrot instinct is a hardwired behavior that we must learn to work WITH, not against. Working with parrots and understanding their instincts will help you develop the mutual trust that is necessary for a good relationship with your parrot.

Instinctive behavior is not the same as learned behavior. For example, parrots have certain calls to communicate, however they learn to yell to get attention. Parrots are master manipulators when it comes to learned behaviors, they respond to your actions and emotions and can easily figure out how to “push your buttons” but I’ll stick to the basics in this article.

prey vs predator

The most important thing to remember when interacting with parrots is that they are PREY animals. Dogs and cats are PREDICTORS. Parrots are always looking for something that can eat them. This prey mentality is to keep them alive. Predators are fast, parrots must be faster to live.

That’s why their eyes are positioned on the sides of their head and their neck can rotate so they can see almost 360 degrees around them. It’s the same reason that quick movements often startle them or put them on guard. (Could be a hawk coming for lunch!)

Here are some common behaviors and the underlying instincts of parrots:

fight or flight

You’ve probably heard of fight or flight before, it’s never been truer for parrots. I’m sure they prefer to run away from danger, but they can, and will, be obnoxious when flying is not an option. When parrots sense danger, the first response is to escape. Alex, my African gray is a good example of this. I call it the “fly first, ask questions later” behavior. If something sets it off, it’s out and flying. If cornered, he will actually growl or strike a striking pose.

April, my umbrella cockatoo, has a slightly different strategy. She also flies when she feels threatened, but she does so while she screams at the top of her lungs to warn the other herd members of her. If she is cornered, her first response is to “pluck” all her feathers and open her wings and tail fully. This is to make her appear much larger and more intimidating. She will then rock back and forth hissing loudly. Ok, it works. Don’t mess with her now.

Being wary of predators is also the reason why parrots prefer high places. A curtain rod or the top of the cage, among others, make their favorite corners. This way they are in a better position to spot potential predators. If he had to worry about being someone’s lunch, he’d want to see them come first to get out of the way.


Parrots need interaction with a flock. The flock in our homes is made up of other birds, humans, or a bit of both. Parrots are social animals and rely on each other to survive. One bird can alert hundreds of danger. And the massive movement of a flock of birds taking flight confused predators, etc.

In our homes, parrots need the attention of their human flock. If they don’t get it, they’ll find ways to get it that aren’t particularly pleasing to us humans. Parrots will become lonely, self-destructive and can develop behavioral problems if they are not given enough attention. They NEED to be talked to, played with, and interacted with by other members of their “herd.”

Parrots are very “tuned in” to their flock. It’s true, if you have a lot of energy, are in a bad mood or are sick and not feeling well, your parrot companion will interact with you in different ways depending on what he “sees”. Some say they are almost physical.


Flying is THE most natural behavior of a bird. It’s hard to imagine how many pet birds never really fly. Even if a bird has its wings clipped, it can still fly to some extent. Flying to VERY important for the physical and mental health of parrots. Parrots need exercise – it’s what their bodies were designed for! Parrots that fly are usually safer and more comfortable. I won’t go into the safety to clip or not to clip here, but I switched sides years ago and will never clip a bird’s wings again. That is my personal opinion.

By seeing the world a little more through a parrot’s eyes, it’s easier to understand where you can make a few small changes in your own behavior and enjoy a better relationship with your bird. Remember: TRUST is the key! When there is mutual trust, both of you can relax a bit and enjoy each other’s company more.

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