Speech Tips – Using a Projector Without Reading From It

Having a slideshow built into your show is a great way to engage the different learning styles of your audience. But don’t rely on your projector to do the presentation for you! Whether you’re a novice or advanced speaker, reading your slides shows a lack of preparation. For the audience, it means that you are not familiar with your own material. In fact, a speaker reading their slides is the number one complaint that comes up in audience surveys.

The following are some tips to help you break this unpleasant habit.

get off the notes

If you know your material, the most you need to do is look at the slide as it appears to make sure it matches where you are in the presentation. That’s it.

*Pro point: Never, and I mean never, ever, turn your back on your audience to look at the projected image on the wall. You lose the audience and it makes you look like a hacker. Turn your laptop toward you so you can see the slide being projected. There is no reason to look at the projection behind you. Ever.

If you need to read your slides or a pack of paper with your slides printed on it, practice until you no longer have to. Your audience is there to see you, not for you to read aloud.

With that said, you may need to fix your slides. If you’re tempted to read your presentation off the projector, then a lot of what’s there to say is on your slides.

You are the source, not the slides.

I can’t say this enough: If you can read your presentation off of your slides, then you have too many words on your slides. There’s just no reason to have text-heavy slides. Your audience is there to interact with you, the speaker. They didn’t get up early, showered, shaved, dressed, and traveled so they could participate in the group reading. They could have stayed in bed and read. What do they need you for?

You are the subject matter expert, which is why you were asked to present the material in the first place. Through your knowledge and experience, your audience will learn more, faster, than they could if they just read a book.

When you practice your presentation, ask yourself two questions:

  1. Does the public need me? I am often asked to send my slide deck ahead of time, which I am happy to do, after assuring them that it won’t help those who don’t attend the show. If you can send them your slideshow and they get all the information they need, then what do they need it for?
  2. Would my presentation work without the slides? If you can’t answer yes, then you have too much on your slides. What happens if the power goes out or you have an equipment failure? Don’t depend on your projector.

Apply the rule of three

If you must use bullet points, remember the rule of three: people can’t digest more than three points at a time. Two, they feel incomplete. Four, and their brains fall out. Have no more than three main points on a slide. If you must dissect each point on a separate slide, do so.

This also works to your benefit. If you only have to remember three things at a time, you are less likely to have to resort to notes.

show not tell

If you design your presentation so that the slides are almost entirely visual cues (photos, clip art, clear graphics, etc.), you won’t have anything to read!

An example would be that you are quoting Martin Luther King. Instead of having a bunch of words on the screen, just have a picture of the man himself. Then you can deliver the quote with all the emotion it deserves, driving home the point.

Your audience will pay more attention to you and learn more as well.

Use multiple mediums

In addition to the visual slides, you can include a music track. You can also have a booklet with lines for them to fill in. Try to engage the three main learning styles: Visual, Audio, and Kinesthetic (learning by doing). If you’re doing this for your audience, it’ll also help them remember.

Break it down into segments

Another effective way to not only help ensure your presentation flows, but also engages your audience, is to break it up into segments. Here is an example:

After your attention-grabbing introduction, start with the basics: what you’re going to talk about and why it’s important. You already know this, so there is no need to read anything here.

Tell that personal story that relates to the topic at hand. This is your story. Have fun telling it, there is no need to read it from a slide.

Below, break down the three main points and provide a little background on each. You’re pretty familiar with these concepts, so you won’t even be tempted to read your slides.

Use a group activity. This will give you time to set up your next segment, look at notes if you need to, and you won’t even need a slide for it.

Come back together and discuss what the group learned from the exercise. No slide reading here, for sure.

…and so…

If you absolutely, positively must read your presentation word for word…

Use a second computer as a teleprompter. I highly recommend against using this method as it separates you from your audience. But, if you were told the night before that you’re submitting someone else’s material, this may be an alternative to get you through the first try. Don’t use it for the next one.

Picture yourself in your audience

Be honest: If you were a member of your own audience, you’d be insulted if someone just read aloud to you. You would frustrate yourself. You’re better than that.

If you use the tips above, you’ll find that slides enhance your presentation, rather than become it. You won’t even be tempted to read your slides.

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