Tap Water Filtration Facts – Many Contaminants – Many Types of Water Filters

Before I started researching the facts surrounding tap water filtration, I believed that all tap liquid was perfectly safe for myself and my family to drink straight from the tap. I have since learned that harmful toxins and contaminants can be contained in unfiltered water. Some of the worst pollutants can cause cancer, liver and kidney disease, anemia, and birth defects. The most common contaminants are:

or Arsenic
or Mercury
o Pesticides and herbicides

Some studies I have seen have shown that approximately 85 percent of US city tap fluid contains some level of one or more of these contaminants. That figure scared me a bit when I first encountered it. But not as much as these figures:

o 74 percent of people living in the United States believe that their faucet contains toxins or dangerous substances.
o 80 percent of people think their faucet tastes bad.
o 900,000 people in the United States get sick as a result of contaminants in the tap and 900 people die each year.
o 50 million people are poisoned to some degree by radon or radium, both radioactive materials, contained in the water that comes out of their taps.

Since you can only go about three days without water before your body starts to shut down, this problem is very significant. Paying attention to the facts about how to filter your faucet (and acting on the information) will not only improve your health, but it may also save you money if you currently buy bottled water. Typical bottled water costs about $5 per 120 ounces. With a home water filtration system, $5 will buy 5,500 ounces of filtered water in the comfort of your home.

Here are some additional facts about filtering: I have found that filtered water tastes better, much better, than unfiltered water. This also means that the coffee and tea I make with home water filters tastes better than the coffee and tea I make on the regular tap that contains contaminants. There are many types of water filtration systems. Some of them include: Charcoal Water Filters, Water Stills, Ceramic Water Filters, Reverse Osmosis, Atmospheric Water Generator, Ultraviolet Water Filters, Magnetic Water Filters, Infrared Water Filters, Ionized Water Filters and more. . Some of these are better than others depending on the specific contaminants that need to be filtered.

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