The Unseen Impact of Reading: Multifaceted Cryptographers

Effective and goal-oriented reading proves to be a powerful instrument for improving the various fields of human activities. Therefore, the findings acquired within the reading process represent the ‘multiplication factor’ for the benefits of its practical application.

The adoption of reading habits to a large extent proceeds with the respectful collection of relevant information, providing the understanding of the desired topic, the competence to write about said topic and the mastery of reliable data for our statements. Coincidentally, exercising to the maximum the EFFECTIVE reading of our limited time bases the primitive fear that our work will be publicly rejected. And much less the most beneficial and renowned side effect in our language of expression, increasing its fluency, richness and captivity.

An aspiring writer cannot afford less than to accept reading as his daily bread, which carries with it the virtue of an obligatory pillar for any type of production. In this sense, it has been found that the pre- and post-writing sequences of the writing process are important to support reading. The first sequence, in the form of UNDERSTANDING the task, induces both the ability to respond well to the topic and sustained focus that delivers logic to the text. This well fulfills the Czech saying ‘I’d rather take the measurement twice, to be successful with the cut in a dash’. Reading after us at the end of the production ensures that future readers will understand it more easily. Inherently, the final revision ensures the correct grammar and logic of the structure.

Here too, whenever we leave a healthy comment below published articles, we are encouraged to READ the contributions of others, bringing with it several benefits: discovery of different perspectives on the subject; set a goal of discerning the author’s contribution; writing exercise; familiarity with review style; Training on how the target audience will capture our own published piece. And the author himself receives direct feedback to the ‘fruits’ of him.

Just yesterday I was reminded how the reading, inherent to the studies, of the desired topic precedes the creation of a QUALITY publication. Fully immersed in the notoriously stifling conditions of Jewish minority survival in Western Europe, I literally DEVOURED selected chapters from David Patterson’s The Literary Study of the Creator of the Modern Hebrew Novel, Abraham Mapu.

The universal poverty of the community, the coercive censorship of anti-secular pietists and orthodox Hasidim, the unnecessary delays of publications, the affliction of health both of the novelist’s wives and of himself. All this played against the diligent activist Mapu, but never completely destroyed his escapist imagination and intellectual possession, built up by his intense early studies and READING of later discovered Latin, German, French, and Russian works, with which he intended to illuminate Jewish minds. find a “common” word with the European majority. If he had not mastered his words, through reading, Mapu would never have achieved such an influential and far-reaching result in many.

Aren’t books, in particular, the most multifaceted data disks for their most reliable and continuous archaeological source of the CONTEXTS of historical and contemporary events, flowing from their themes, contents, and the background of the production of the work? Have we ever thought of books as excellent cryptographers for the encrypted message of the author’s intention, of his life, and of his time in general? Do we ever notice how narrative books enhance our systematic thinking and indispensable imagination?

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