Top 3 secrets for moms who own a home business but would like to keep their sanity

Are there days when you feel like your home business is doomed? Or days when you have seriously questioned if being a housewife was the right choice? Mixing mommy’s neighborhood and home-based businesses can be a scary combination. Many surviving moms will discover some tricks of the trade the hard way at the expense of lost business or with frustrated kids lashing out. Please let me spare you at least some of those lessons. Here is what I have found to keep my home based business going while maintaining a happy home without losing my mind:

SUCCESS SECRET #1: Schedule your business time. Make your family time family time and your business time business time. I used to try to use the phone and/or computer throughout the day when I had a spare minute, but soon I would find myself in the middle of a childish meltdown with a client on the phone or my marketing strategies page being used as flakes. snow (you know, torn to pieces). My daughter needed my attention and when it was divided between her and my business, things got frustrating for both of us. Now I keep my work time and my daughter’s time separate. I work at my business during her nap, or during a movie and after she goes to bed. I turn off my phone and focus on her when it’s her time. This means that when I get to work I have to be efficient and focused, so I automate what I can and let the internet and my computer do a lot of the work for me. So I give my business the attention it needs and only I can provide without all the frustration. Likewise, my daughter gets the attention she needs and meltdowns are much fewer and farther apart.

SUCCESS SECRET #2: Ask for support. Maybe your kids don’t nap anymore or maybe you just need more time to work on your business than a 1-2 hour nap will give you. It’s time to call in reinforcements. Family, friends, or a babysitter who comes to visit, even once or twice a week, can make a big difference in what you can accomplish. I would recommend, if possible, even lock yourself in your office/bedroom/or go somewhere else where you won’t be interrupted. Even if the baby just doesn’t want to nap, the babysitter of her choice will figure something out or, worst case, she’ll call you. She’ll be better able to focus on her business without distractions and her children when she knows she’ll have a few hours to handle all those pressing business concerns.

SECRET TO SUCCESS #3: Get some rest. This was difficult for me. It’s hard for me to sleep when I know I have something pending, even if it’s just an idea that I have to write down. But what I have found is when I don’t get enough sleep. I’m not a happy mom and when I’m not a happy mom I have less patience with my kids, which we all know is probably the most important job requirement when it comes to kids, especially toddlers. Give yourself a bedtime and stick to it. Almost everything will wait and you’ll be fresher and better prepared to handle it in the morning. If you’re like me and just can’t sleep, try making a list for the next day. For some strange reason, that makes me feel that whatever the task may have been, it has at least been taken care of and therefore won’t be left undone or forgotten. My mom always told me: “a good mom, she is a happy mom.” It’s much harder to be happy when you’re sleep deprived. At a minimum, go to bed early a couple of nights a week.

there you go Very clear. Always keep in mind that you are owning a home business FOR his children, not in spite of them and remember that some days it is worth just throwing in the towel and taking a break. Or maybe better to throw that towel in a bag, grab the sun cream and take the little ones to the pool. That’s the beauty of owning a home based business. You’re the boss and when you see the need for a mini-vacation, you go for it, girl!

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