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May 2021

The heliotrope

Freiburg is a city of 200,000 inhabitants located in a beautiful countryside on the edge of the Black Forest in southern Germany. It is a university city, an important industrial and commercial center, and a tourist center. But today it is better known as the ecological capital of Germany....

Does Windows 10 Home include Word and Excel?

Since Office is a free application that comes pre-installed with Win 10. Therefore, you do not need to subscribe to use it. The point is, Microsoft finds it difficult to promote this app. Some consumers just don’t know that there is an online version of Microsoft Office, which includes...

How to save money on anime items

Many anime fans love to collect items related to their hobby, whether they include DVDs, figures, keychains, clothing, or just about anything else available on the market. With a large fan base in Japan and an ever-growing one in the rest of the world, new products are always emerging...

How To Write A Digital Internet Marketing Business Plan Online

It is common for companies embarking on internet marketing and social media to think that they need to build their strategies around technology and not look at the needs of the audience first. Every business needs an integrated marketing plan. Sometimes companies view digital planning as separate, but ideally...

5 advantages of a video baby monitor

If you are preparing for your first baby, you may want to check out a good video baby monitor. The basic models are good, but the ones with video offer more information and functionality. Below, we’ve shed some light on 5 benefits of having a quality video baby monitor....

Tips for a healthy diet

Here are some healthy diet tips to help you lose weight, stay fit, and live longer: Drink enough water. One cup of water for every waking hour during the day would be optimal for healthy weight loss. Never eat until you are very full. Rather, you should stop eating...

Legal Recruitment: How to Explain Bad Grades

As a practicing attorney who volunteers regularly at a couple of local law schools, I spend a lot of time advising students. A question I get frequently during recruiting season is, “How can I explain to interviewers why my grades are not very good?” While it’s true that you...

Hangover Remedies: 10 Tips to Cure Morning Sickness

I just woke up and I’m hungover. Now what? There has to be something I can do! After waking up, there are many things you can and should do to begin the hangover recovery process. Here are 10 tips to help you feel better soon: These first 5 suggestions...

Consumer fireworks reviews: the good, the bad, and the ugly

Fireworks for sale, we’ve all seen the signs At full volume saying “Go ahead”, we have just what you are looking for. As we drive and the summer rolls around or around the holidays like the 4th of July, fireworks tents start popping up everywhere. The signage along the...