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Website design By

August 2022

For those clueless about muscles

Did you know that you have more than 600 muscles in your body? They do everything from pumping blood throughout your body to helping you lift your heavy backpack. Here is an easy explanation of some of the most important ones. The deltoids are one you hear about a...

Do I Need to Hire a Professional to Get Great Voiceovers?

Hire a Professional to Get Great Voiceovers You can try to contact voice-over agencies. Many of these agencies have lists of prospective clients. However, you should do your homework before signing with any agency. Many voice-over agencies are selective and do not accept just anybody. You should ask the...

Tomatoes and the Candida Diet

Tomatoes, once thought to be poisonous and grown only for decorative purposes, are today one of the world’s leading vegetable crops. Tomatoes have always been a part of my diet as I am a huge fan of marinara sauce and salsa. Fortunately, tomatoes are allowed on the candida diet...

Do business in multiple states

During the incorporation process, you may hear terms such as “foreign corporation,” “foreign LLC,” or “qualifying,” depending on the type of entity being formed. However, the term “foreigner” does not relate to another country, but to your state of origin. This means that if your business is incorporated as...

Are you playing chess or checkers?

Time is our most valuable resource. Time is more valuable than money. Money can be lost and recovered. Once we waste time we never get it back. When it comes to time management, everyone plays chess or checkers. The chess game is designed for the proactive. The successful chess...

Select from the best furniture stores

Furniture stores are not very difficult to select. You will first need to check the style of your home, before you can buy any furniture. This will help you make some easy decisions about what furniture to choose, to match the architecture of the house. Next you will need...

Google can help you find your lost smartphone

Introduction Google Inc. has introduced an easy-to-install search feature. With this feature, users only need to type the ‘Find My Phone’ command to find out the approximate location of the device. Upon receiving the command, this new search function retrieves the result and displays the location as the closest...

Starting Your Business: Avoiding the “Incorporated Me” Syndrome

Many people who want to start a business have similar reasons for their ambitions. They typically seek autonomy from an employer, freedom, or control over their own destiny, which also means that they can determine their own income, work hours, job duties, and career path. However, when starting a...

How to use Tiffany lighting in Feng Shui

Feng shui, which teaches a person to live in harmony with their surroundings, is not just about having a room with good ch’i or energy. It is also a simple and practical guide to interior design. For this reason, feng shui can be used with almost any style of...