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Arts Entertainments

Racial segregation in America

When Dr. Phil McGraw interviews people on his TV show who have done very bad things, he often asks, “What did you say to yourself that made you think it was okay?” That question could also be directed at nations, legislators, and political leaders who commit or tolerate atrocities....

Heart disease: our modern plague solved

In the last hundred years, our society has had to endure a growing plague that affects the lives of millions. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the form of “occlusive cardiovascular disease”, which is also known as “atherosclerosis” or “plaque formation” of the arteries, is affecting younger and younger people with...

Blackjack: Is It A Team Sport?

In its strictest sense, Blackjack can be considered a purely solitary sport. After all, the game is between you and the dealer, and what the other people at the table do has no direct effect on the outcome of your game. You are not playing for the group or...

Keeping up with the girls

I made my greatest contribution to the sport of golf more than 30 years ago, when I moved from Montana to the East Coast. Stop playing. The truth is that he was a terrible golfer, and he was not willing to put in the time and effort to improve...

Autographed Baseballs – Creating a Collection

Autographed baseballs are among the most popular types of sports memorabilia, with a history stretching back decades. Teams have been writing about them since the early days of the game when teams, score, and other details of a game were written on the ball, which was then preserved as...

How to practice the grip by yourself

Before we begin, if you don’t know me, I have been on a wrestling mat or judo tatami (mat) since 1975. I won my first National Championship at the age of 12 and won my last victory last year at the age 39. I also just got inducted into...

Israel’s dirty little secret

Zehava Galon is a member of the opposition Yahad Party in Israel. In 2005, she headed a Committee against Trafficking in Women that carried out a four-year investigation into the problem of sexual exploitation. In Galon’s words, the investigation revealed how women are smuggled into Israel and “on the...

Everything you need to know about eating disorders

We live in a strange world. It seems that everyone has to be skinny to be beautiful. And the constant emergence of new fad diets (usually bad diets) almost every week that promise you’ll lose weight fast, it might seem like anyone can lose weight quickly and without much...

What is Kajukenbo?

Kajukenbo is an eclectic martial art that was created in Hawaii in the late 1940s and invented in 1947 on Oahu, Hawaii, in the settlements of Palama, to deal with local crime, as well as to help people to fend off the US Navy sailors who would drink and...

Marcus Garvey’s Prediction on America’s Racial Problems

Somehow, it seems that the United States simply cannot overcome its racial problems. The shooting of an unarmed black teenager, Michael Brown, by a white police officer last week in Ferguson, Missouri, is a tragic example of this. This tragedy triggered another riot in Ferguson and clashes with the...