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Lifestyle Fashion

constipation in children

Constipation usually means difficulty passing stool; decreased frequency in opening the intestines or passing hard, dry stools. Constipation is a common childhood problem. Signs that a child may have constipation include: bread and effort when going to the bathroom. A hard stool can tear the lining of the anus,...

Women and Various Therapies to Combat Aging Processes

Woman is undoubtedly God’s strongest creation from the beginning; maybe that is the reason why they go through all the excruciating pain, be it childbirth, the menstrual cycle, or perhaps the phenomenon of menopause. The way they conquer their battles gives more strength not only to them but also...

The health benefits of juicing and weight loss

You can take the whole fruits, blend them with the pulp or squeeze them. Juicing is the process of squeezing the juice out of a fruit or vegetable without the pulp. When juicing, you are restricted in food groups and perhaps calories. Many people are skeptical about the health...

Cream of Tartar for Candida

Candida overgrowth, known as candidiasis, occurs when Candida yeast is allowed to overgrow in the intestines, usually due to a weakened immune system that can no longer control its growth. It is quite a serious condition and should be treated as such. If left untreated, yeast infections can break...

Five tips to identify the symptoms of yeast intolerance

There are several symptoms that people experience when they are intolerant to yeast. When someone is intolerant to yeast, it means that their body is producing more candida, or yeast. In reality, we all have a level of bacteria in each of our bodies. However, the good bacteria we...

Top 5 Inverter Pitch Pad Mistakes and What to Do Instead

It’s a competitive world out there. Competition for investor funds is fierce. There is a lot of talk about how to position your product in a positive way compared to the competition. But how do you compete with the thousands of entrepreneurs looking to get a piece of the...

Using psychic ability to levitate

Levitation is the ability to get up off the ground using the psychic ability of the mind. It is possible to train yourself to achieve levitation in the same way that it is possible to develop any of your psychic abilities through training. The mind assimilates everything it encounters,...