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Real Estate

is to buy a "top repairman" a good investment?

Should I spend less money buying a fixer-up house or more money buying a fixed-up home? That is the question. While there are no simple answers to those questions, here are some tips to keep in mind when making your choice: 1. Do the math. One of the keys...

6 Tips to Help You Buy a Condo

The condominium is short for condominiums. Generally, a condominium is one unit in a multi-unit building. In other words, it is a building or community that looks like an apartment. Additionally, it can include public places, dog walking areas, gyms, playgrounds, swimming pools, and parks, just to name a...

What is limited agency?

Most people understand that a buyers agent is the agent representing buyer through a real estate transaction and the seller agent represents the Seller during the transaction. Buyers often don’t understand exactly what”limited agency” (sometimes referred to as dual agency) and how it will affect your sale or purchase....

A structured settlement is a win-win

Before the advent of annuity settlements as a type of settlement payments, defendants were often overwhelmed by the fact that they had to accept the lump sum of their compensation all at once. Even when the defendant is a large company, extracting large sums of money from its funds...

Real Estate Development – More Than A Design

Understanding market trends is key when developing any type of real estate. Forecasting the needs and expectations of potential clients and finding the right property are variables that development and investment companies must take into account. Pivotal’s twenty-five years of experience have enabled them to gain the knowledge and...