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How to choose the right bed frame

When choosing a bed frame, it is important to find one that suits your personal tastes and the decorum of your home. You will also want to choose an appropriate size to fit your bedroom. Most beds come in one of six different types of sizes including twin, twin...

The importance of reading to children

Growing up, my parents read me a story every night. I always assumed it was the standard in every kid’s bedtime routine across the country. As a teacher with my degree in Early Childhood Education, I know the importance of reading for children. The benefits associated with a simple...

Swimming Lessons For Kids: 5 Key Benefits That May Surprise You

Learning to swim can be an important life skill that all young children should learn. As with any new activity, the earlier a child begins swimming lessons, the faster they will master the process. When given the right resources and instruction, swimming lessons can be an instrumental tool that...

Valentine’s Day No-Nos: 5 Things Not to Do on Valentine’s Day

Whether you are spending Valentine’s Day with a loved one or alone, there are some things you probably want to avoid in your search for that “loving feeling.” Hollywood movies and television commercials for jewelers teach us that there is nothing better than spending Valentine’s Day with the man...

Nine Tasks Your Child Should Do Without Getting Paid

In the past, getting paid to do housework was absolutely unheard of. Chores were a way for children to contribute to the family, and parents would reward their children financially if they wished. Today it is the opposite. Children expect an allowance, and many parents are too willing to...

How can you tell if you are pleasing God (John 8: 21-30)?

“I’m cleaning my room,” says 5-year-old Joseph. “People need room to walk so they don’t stumble. I don’t hurt anyone and that makes God happy!” Whether you’re 5 or 50, cleaning your room is always a challenge. It reminds me of what Phyllis Diller said: “Housework can’t kill you,...

Why not try a Disney cruise?

Another option to experience Disney Magic as part of the Walt Disney World Vacations is to board any of the Disney Cruises, where you will have fun, meet the Disney characters, have different shows and entertainment. This option is good if you want to have a cruise but also...