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Using smoothies and juices for a healthy diet and weight loss

With millions of people in the world suffering from life-threatening diseases such as type II diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, etc., finding ways to prevent these diseases is becoming more and more important. Based on extensive clinical studies and research, most of these diseases can be...

How to make my baby sleep alone

It doesn’t matter if they are toddlers or babies; It’s always a great decision to let babies fall asleep on their own. In the case of babies, it can be hard because babies are fawning over you, and it can be hard for them to let go because they’ve...

The story of a ghost (Fictional short story)

In the late afternoon, I was sitting on the firm surface of my bed. I can’t go back to sleep; At the louver, I waited until the last light of the sun peeked through the louvers. At that time I was in such anguish that it made my eyes...

Why I love to travel: 5 best reasons

What are the top 5 reasons to go on vacation? I have always been a vacation lover, since my youth. Hitchhiking and wandering have always hooked me with the joy of seeing new places and meeting new people, learning about new customs and understanding their various cultures. It always...

Homework Calendar Ideas

One of the newest and best ways to get your kids to not only help out around the house, but also complete their homework without you constantly bothering them, is to use a homework calendar. They help you by building in the ability to determine, organize, and delegate household...

Board games that come with sand timers

Many table games require an element of timed rounds. Each player has a set amount of time to complete a certain task to try to earn points for them or their team. This has been an element of board games for quite some time, although over the years these...

Presenting gifts is part of Pakistani culture

Pakistan, a country located in South Asia, which shares borders with Afghanistan, China, India and Iran, is an Islamic state steeped in a rich culture. If you have ever been to Pakistan, you must have seen the great diversity of cultures and traditions that make for a very colorful...

How to get a loan from HDB

The HDB home loan market is one that is not ignored by financial institutions and banks in general, with an estimated value of $63 billion. As of January 1, 2003, the option of obtaining a mortgage loan from a commercial bank to purchase a flat from HDB has generated...