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Shopping Product Reviews

Tips on Child Safety on Mobile Internet

Ask any child from first grade to college to name the phone, media player, or tablet they love the most and they’ll hear the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Brand awareness and demand for Apple products among the jungle gym crowd has never been greater. What most parents don’t...

Video games: one of the pioneers of planned obsolescence

There is a term used by product manufacturers and retailers called “planned obsolescence.” What this is in a nutshell is the understanding that creating durable products is not commercially smart, and this is the concept that drives modern commercialism. However, to convince people to buy your products there has...

What makes a good gaming community?

And in that case, what makes a good game? In an effort to figure out what exactly draws people to a game, I’ve read a lot online about RPGs, MMOs, etc., to hopefully impact Ashianae’s journey in a positive way. There is an amazing article on called “Rethinking...

Wireless devices to make your life easier

Now that digital lifestyle devices, tablets, cordless phones and other Internet devices are beginning to come of age, we must be concerned about presenting our content to these devices so that it is optimized for their display capabilities. Mike davidson Wireless devices have made life easier in many ways....

How to write restaurant reviews

Writing restaurant reviews can not only be an enjoyable experience because you can try all kinds of different foods, but it can also be a creative way to express your opinion. There are a number of different rules to follow when writing a quality review. It is important that...

6GB RAM smartphone: ultra-fast, luxurious and affordable!

From 512MB RAM, 2GB to 3GB RAM Phones – What’s Next? Today we have already started to see Android smartphones with 6GB of RAM! I really wonder if there is a need for such noisy storage in phones. However, as we unleash the next technology, in the near future,...

HTC Legend: truly legendary features

HTC Legend is highly artistic creation in the mobile realm that can easily fit in people’s pockets. The small size and visually stunning appeal say a lot about this phone that helps you stay connected with your loved ones in a style that gives it a distinct personality. HTC...

Dimplex CS3311 Electric Range Space Heater Review

If you are looking for the perfect portable heating system for your home, the Dimplex CS3311 compact electric stove is the perfect choice. It’s almost like a real traditional charcoal heating stove, except you don’t have to mess with all the fumes, chopping logs, or propane. All you have...