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October 2022

Running A Dating Site – First Impressions

The online dating industry is bigger than you think and more lucrative than you imagine. Naturally, this means that it is also very competitive. The big players invest a lot to get the most out of it. Anything that can help put your business a little ahead of the...

Six Best Ways to Decorate Your Home on a Budget

Are you looking for ways to achieve a unique style in your home without spending a fortune? Over the years, my love of home decor and my personal cottage style have evolved, but my desire to decorate on a budget hasn’t. Anything I’ve done to improve my home has...

Samurai Market: A Brief Review

Market Samurai (MS) has only been on the market for a short time and is therefore still fairly new. That’s because very few people know about it, and there are even fewer people who understand it. Because MS is so involved, I won’t try to delve too deeply into...

The best cardio for a weight loss plateau

Best Cardio for Weight Loss PLATEAU (Proven) – Fat Loss Cardio Workout to Lose Belly Fat Why do people start off losing pound after pound and burn a ton of fat, but then it’s like their body adapts and all that fat loss slows down? Not only does it...

The Ultimate Guide to Picking Up Asian Women

Since learning how to meet and attract women, I’ve generally found that ‘fresh off the boat’ (FOB for short) Asian women play by slightly different rules. So during my time ‘in the game’ I figured out what those differences were and took advantage of them. This guide will tell...

Cash is king in Las Vegas foreclosures

In the last 5 years I have sold many properties in many different markets nationwide. In 2003, a large number of investors entered the Las Vegas market and bought single-family homes and condominiums. In 2004 the scene was repeated in the Phoenix market. In 2005, markets like Albuquerque and...

Do you need a SMARTER home?

In today’s increasingly digital technological world, many improvements have been introduced, in terms of houses, etc., and a large number of proponents have been attracted, which some refer to as a SMARTEST home! In some cases/instances, some of these devices/additions are cool/fun luxuries (gizmos and gizmos), while others are...

The main digital marketing trends that are transforming companies

Digital marketing has conquered the advertising sector. It has become an indispensable tool in the hands of a marketer to promote their brand goals and give them visibility. As we are constantly witnessing advancements in the fields of social media, mobile marketing and user experience, the reach of digital...

All about logo design, myths and concepts

Every company requires a creative, attractive and functional logo to create an individual identity. The logo is a source of introduction about the vision and philosophy of any company among the masses. Without Logo there is no brand identity of existence. The company logo is the first simple identity...