3 Yes, just 3 tips to double your sales

THANK YOU… Today’s topic is 3 tips on sales skills that will double your sales… yes, they double… first answer me from the heart do you want to DOUBLE THE GROWTH AND RATE OF YOUR SALES… then just follow these 3 tips and my SIR is already solved

FIRST TIPS:::: Sales is 90% Conviction and 10% Communication of your Conviction This means that sales is nothing, it is the transference of your enthusiasm, sir… this totally depends on how much you connect spiritually, mentally and completely with your customers, full of emotions… sir, when you get the real realization of your product that how much product is important to you and in what field, then this realization was transferred to your client, sir, REMEMBER SIR COMMUNICATION IS NOT A SALE CONVICTION IS THE LORD OF SALES right when you realize and you convince with your product then you just try to represent it with a lot of enthusiasm which you did because you convince with your product and that connects your customer very fast sir you don’t have to do any thigh… when you convince with your product, sir, then you don’t need to learn how to communicate to increase sales, your body language automatically increases your sales, sir… after that, your level of communication is not only the physical or mental level, the intellectual level becomes the level realization and becomes transformation, not information. for him, but it is a transformation of energy and your sale becomes a transfer of your ENTHUSIASM and after that he DO NOT INFORM YOUR CLIENT THAT HE INVOLVED YOUR CLIENT WITH YOU…

SECOND TIPS::: Connect with the Client’s Problem or Goals sir… Remember sir if you try to Solve your client’s Problem or Help him to achieve his Goal with your Product, someone will tell you that he has no problem in his life then try to help him achieve his goal… SIR… you have to do something with your product to make your sale, whether it’s trying to solve some problem for your customer or trying to help him achieve his goal… THEN YOU BECOME A COMPULSION FOR YOUR CUSTOMER AFTER DOING THAT, YOU BECOME SO MANDATORY FOR YOUR CUSTOMER…AND YOU DEFINITELY SUCCESSFUL IN THE MARKET SIR…

THIRD TIPS::: LAW OF INCREASING PROFITABILITY… F.ARE YOU LOOKING FOR OR INCREASING RETURN COMMON SAY “Say yes or no!” PLEASE REMEMBER… WHEN YOU GIVE MORE THAN YOU RECEIVE… SOON YOU RECEIVE MORE THAN YOU GIVE… IF YOU REALLY… RECEIVE MORE THAN YOU GIVE… SIR, your problem is that you want equals in your relationship sir… think that when you start showing up in your relationship then it’s not a relationship it becomes a business and this is a weak business and if you want to start a big business then START GIVING MORE THAN YOU RECEIVE… LORD… ONE OF THEIR MAN WAS CALLED CRAZY… HOW MUCH MAN GAVE, THE MORE HE HAD… In reality, you need to learn to go beyond your comfort zone to stretch your SUCCESS. Please, with an example, understand that sir, there is domino pizza, what you did, sir, gave hot pizza in 30 minutes to your door. understand that sir THE MORE YOU GAVE, THE MORE YOU WILL RECEIVE Business… TO MAKE A FULL SALES SUCCESS IN THE MARKET THEN TRY TO BECOME A GAP BUDDY..… you just think you are not a salesman you are a christ to him solve the problem or give him a goal … and try to give him more than you get and then he automatically gave you more than you have … for that first you have to understand your product sir…


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