5 complete ways to gain muscle mass without weights: simple but powerful!

Many people ask if they can gain muscle without weights. The answer is yes, but how effective can these exercises or workouts really be? It really depends on who gets your information and how often you do these workouts. You may know people or have friends who tell you that the only way to build muscle is to go to the gym. That’s false and I’ll explain why…

To gain muscle mass without weights, you must force your muscles to work harder and overwork. And lifting weights isn’t the only way to do it. You can perform exercises that will improve and build muscle for almost every major muscle group in your body, without using weights. As long as you push your muscles to the limit and even a little more, you can achieve a much bigger and stronger physique. Here are some exercises you can try without using weights…

1. Push-ups –To be honest, pushups are one of the best exercises you can do to gain muscle and get stronger. So, do you think you already know everything there is about push-ups? Well let me explain how you can break down 3 different ways to do push ups that will work different muscle groups in your upper body.

  1. Basic push-ups: Spread your arms shoulder-width apart at chest height. This will work a bit of your chest, triceps, shoulders, and core.
  2. Triangle push-ups: Bring your hands together (to form a triangle) on the floor at mid-inner chest height. Try this, it will be a bit more difficult, but it works different muscles. This will work more on your arms and biceps, rather than just your chest and triceps doing basic pushups.
  3. Basic push-ups, but with the elbows in. Imagine you’re doing a basic push-up, but keep your elbows close to your body. This will mainly work triceps. Trust me, do this a few times and you’ll know what I mean.

2. Dives- Get a sturdy chair and sit on it. Now place your hands on the side of the chair at the edge. Raise your body with your arms and you want to position your body in front of the chair by going up and down with your arms behind you. This will produce definition and muscle mass for your triceps without even having to use weights!

3. Sit-ups- You don’t need weights to work your core. You can win a six pack without going to the gym. Here’s a good strategy… Do a comfortable number of sit-ups to start. Now the next day, add another sit-up to your workout. For example, if you do 40 sit-ups one day, do 41 the next day, and so on. You will be surprised how much this will work on your core.

4. Squats- How do I squat without using weights? An easy way to do this is to stand up, put your arms horizontal to the ground, and bend over with your thighs touching your calves. Might be easy at first for some, but do around 50+ and you’ll feel the burn. This is a great way for your legs to gain muscle mass without weights.

5. Toe raises – Standing on the ground, lift your body up on your toes. Many people do this incorrectly and do not see any results. The secret here is when you get up, hold it at the highest point you can for 1-3 seconds. Not only will this improve your strength and build muscle mass, but it will also help improve your balance.

Now that you know 5 powerful exercises to gain muscle mass without weights, make these a daily routine. Propose a fixed number to perform each exercise daily and increase each one by 1 every day. This is just 1 powerful workout out of many to help you gain more muscle mass.

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