5 reasons to do an employment background check

Although the Fair Credit Reporting Act has placed several restrictions on conducting employment background checks, it does not restrict employers with good reason to do so. Here are some reasons that might require an employment background check:

Reason #1. Employment background checks help employers avoid negligent hiring charges.

The employer has a legal duty to provide reasonable protection to each and every employee while they are at work. Background checks help alert employers to people who have the potential to harm their colleagues. In cases where business operations involve the transportation of goods or the maintenance of security, employers may be required to conduct a criminal background search as part of a background check. A thorough background check can help an employer make the right decisions during the hiring process. A pre-employment background check verifies applicants’ identities and checks applicants’ references, helping to select the most suitable person for the job. When an employer decides to waive a pre-employment background check and discovers too late that a mistake has been made in hiring an employee, it could damage the work environment or injure other employees, as well as destroy the company’s reputation. The information contained in the background check must also be complete and accurate, which requires the use of a professional background search provider.

Reason #2. Employment background checks are conducted to comply with state and federal laws.

Businesses that provide services to children, youth, and the elderly are required to conduct employment background checks. The same rule applies to those who work with disabled people. and employees of health institutions must also undergo background checks. Government jobs that require security clearances also require pre-employment background checks. State agencies and government officials can conduct background checks through the FBI’s National Crime Information Center and obtain information that may not be available to private citizens.

Reason #3. Employment background checks are conducted to verify information provided by employees or job applicants.

Educational and career histories are sometimes known to be inflated and enhanced, especially when there is stiff competition. Employment background checks can expose these practices. Background checks can also provide clues about the personality and disposition of the employee or job applicant, helping to determine her suitability for the job. For example, an employer who hires cashiers would be concerned if a background check reveals that the applicant is heavily in debt, indicating financial hardship.

Reason #4. The possibility of terrorism and corporate fraud also increases the need for employment background checks.

Employers need to be sure that the people they hire do not pose a national security risk, so pre-employment background checks are a necessary process before hiring someone who will be deprived of sensitive information. Exposure to the fraudulent practices of various corporate executives has also prompted some companies to include background checks in the hiring process.

Reason #5: The availability of online public records and the availability of background check service providers have made employment background checks easy to perform.

While the employer itself can conduct pre-employment background checks, seeking professional help is still the best way to go. This is because professional background check providers ensure the accuracy and completeness of the reports they provide using all publicly available information.

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