5 ways to lose belly fat

Looking to lose weight but not sure how to get rid of that pesky belly fat? Here are five tips to make that belly fat a distant memory!

Cut carbs and sugars. There is an important reason why the low-carb diet has been so popular. It is a diet that works because it eliminates carbohydrates, starches and sugars that are perpetually responsible for excess weight. By reducing these useless elements of the diet, the ability to lose weight increases tenfold. Now, this is not meant to be a way to provide a general endorsement of the low carb diet plan. It’s not a healthy or balanced diet, but the basic concept of what you eliminate makes it worth looking into.

Eliminate your intake of saturated fat. Saturated fat is a type of fat that is LOADED with calories. So when you eat foods high in saturated fat, you’re taking in a ton of calories that will be hard to burn. This is why it’s critical to stay away from fast food restaurants and other places that are known for selling foods loaded with useless and unnecessary saturated fat. As such, stick with lean meats and green vegetables and stay away from saturated fat.

Walk more. The lifestyles we lead today are increasingly sedentary. This is not good because the more we sit, the fewer calories we burn. So it goes without saying that we need to be a bit more active to burn off some of those calories. Now, this does not mean that one should run or jog or participate in a vigorous program (although these methods of exercise will melt the fat!), but walking for around 20 minutes a day will help to lose some weight. No, it won’t be radical in terms of how much you burn, but you will start to lose weight in small increments over time.

Drink a lot of water. Water intake is often overlooked even though it is a very important part of a weight loss program. Water helps regulate fluid retention and helps keep your metabolism up. A fast metabolism is great for burning calories, so why not boost it?

Do some strength training. Cardio just isn’t enough to burn calories. You should lift weights at least three days a week as increased muscle mass will lead to better calorie burning as muscle mass also increases metabolism. It also has a host of other benefits that will lead to a much healthier life and this is a great thing.

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