6 simple foods for your eyes

We are so busy finishing our work within the deadlines, but have you ever considered your precious little eyes? Well, it’s food for thought for you. By the way, the foods you eat can improve your eyesight, so it’s as if a double-promoted healthy diet equals healthy eyes.

#1: Fish

A good cold-water fish such as sardines, tuna or even salmon, which is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, keeps the eyes hydrated, thus avoiding dry eye syndrome and can also prevent cataracts. The content of Omega 3 reduces eye pressure and chronic inflammation of the eyelids. If you’re not a fan of shellfish, oil supplements can also help.

#2: Refreshing Green

Foods that are called “green,” such as spinach and kale, are rich in zeaxanthin and lutein, which will keep your eyes bright and cataract-free. A good and well prepared salad with peas and broccoli also adds richness and increases protein even more. So, what are you waiting for? Go prepare a delicious salad for yourself!

#3 eggs

Eggs are not only a good diet for bodybuilders, but also fight night blindness and dry eyes. They are considered rich in vitamin A and lutein. The yolk that most people do not like to eat, but it prevents the thinning of the area around the pupil, also known as the macula, which improves the quality of our vision. There are several types of eggs today, so you need to have a good understanding of the basics to know which is a real egg or a plastic one.

#4: Meat Love

There is good news for meat lovers! Red meat contains zinc that helps absorb vitamin A that is present in carrots and other ingredients that further decrease the chance of cataracts and muscle degeneration. As too much honey is bad for your health, too much meat consumption can cause blindness, so you need to know where to draw a line between you and your love.

#5: Orange Carrot It Is!

Surely since you were a child you liked crunchy carrots well, at least you did something good since carrots are rich in vitamin A and vitamin C. Vitamin A and vitamin C both help fight muscle degeneration as well as cataracts. Improves the ability to see clearly.

#6: Whole Grains

Eating whole grains, including barley, wheat, and corn, can help reduce your chances of retinal damage as you age. The eye tissue is strengthened, which further helps in protecting the eyes against inflammation and light, it is the zinc content that makes this possible. Like the other foods discussed, this also helps prevent cataract disease.

The foods around us are so rich in nutrient content. Giving a little care to your eyes can be done naturally and at the same time you will be able to fill your belly too, how much more wonderful can life be?

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