6 tips to smooth wrinkles on your hands

As women approach their 40s, the effects of the sun, decreased estrogen supply, diet, and nutrition cause the skin to become dry and wrinkled. Crow’s feet, smile lines and furrows on the forehead slowly start to appear on their faces. Unfortunately, wrinkles don’t stop on the face. Your hands also begin to dry out and wrinkle. While chemical peels, dermabrasion, botox, or plastic surgery may be the answer to turning back the clock on facial lines, how do mature women smooth out hand wrinkles? Here are 6 tips for softer, younger hands.

1. Hydrate and replenish your hands after washing. The typical woman washes her hands several times a day. When we don’t wash our hands, we can use hand sanitizers. Both soap and sanitizers can dry out hands and cause wrinkles. The next time you wash your hands, think of it as a two-step process: wash, then moisturize.

2. Keep pocket-sized hand lotions in your purse Pocket hand lotions and creams come in handy when you’re not at home and need dry hand relief. You can buy trial or travel lotions at the pharmacy or pick them up from your hotel room during your next vacation.

3. Use facial scrubs The next time you break up your favorite facial scrub, use it on your hands, rather than your face. Facial scrubs used to exfoliate dead skin cells from the face are also excellent remedies to soften hands. They can be bought cheaply at the drugstore or made at home with kitchen ingredients like baking soda, rolled oats, or sugar.

Four. Eat carrots Foods rich in beta-carotene, like carrots, are packed with antioxidants. Antioxidants help protect skin from the sun’s damaging drying effects and help minimize wrinkles.

5. Drinking water Water is an elixir of magical beauty! It is nature’s moisturizer and truly the fountain of youth. Staying hydrated improves the general condition of the skin all over the body.

6. Wear gloves Before doing the dishes in your next sink, scrubbing the bathroom, or doing your gardening chores, put on a pair of gloves. Chemicals used in dishwashing liquids and household cleaners can damage the skin on your hands. Similarly, exposing your hands to the elements of the sun, wind, and water while doing outdoor activities like gardening can result in dry skin. Wearing gloves while performing these activities not only protects your hands, it can also help them retain their natural moisture.

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