7 tips to avoid couple breakups

Relationships can be really frustrating.

They can be a he said she said battle up to ninth grade.

You attract battles into relationships due to ego and expectations. So many things can go wrong in a relationship due, very often, to the way your needs, wants, and desires are communicated.

There are ways to make sure relationship battles don’t cause permanent damage. Here are seven ways to avoid relationship disasters (that will also help you take your relationship to an even better place):

one. Having sex on the brain? How much do you think about sex in your relationship? Do you feel that the other person doesn’t do the things you like to do (or doesn’t do them enough)? We all get sexually lazy in our relationships at times. So how do you get the other person to do these things (or do more of these things)? Well, you don’t look at them and tell them they’re doing what you like (or not doing enough).

Instead, when they do things you like, you really need to let them know. Say things like, “Oh honey, I love the way you kiss and touch me. It makes me feel good…” Describe the emotions you have and how you feel when they do those things. Doing this will turn the other person on and make them want to do these things to you all night. Whenever you come from a place of abundance like that, it will always bring you more than you need.

two. Never scold: Nagging doesn’t work. Nagging to do the dishes, take out the garbage, and walk the dog doesn’t work. Instead of scolding, ask with love. Say something like, “Hey honey, I’m late today. Would you mind taking the dog for a walk? That would be great and help me a lot!”

Asking this way is much better than asking by saying something like “You know, you never walk the dog. I’m always walking the dog, and I’m running late right now and I don’t have time to do it” or “Can you empty the dishwasher for a while?” I said I can’t do it now. Why are you so lazy?” Asking nicely always gives you better results.

3. Learn the art of compromise: Learning to compromise in your relationship is essential. When you go on vacation, for example, be sure to split the things you do 50/50 between the things you like to do and the things your partner likes to do. That way, one of you never feels like he’s being dragged along for the whole ride. Neither person will feel for the other that “it’s all about you.”

The best way to come to a real compromise is to find out what the other really wants. In this vacation example, you might say something like “I’d love to do this today. What would you like to do tomorrow? How about we make today my day and tomorrow yours (or make half of each day yours)?” ” That way we can both do things we enjoy.” True compromise is about coming to an agreement that makes both parties happy.

Four. Be lenient with the family: When it comes to each other’s family, it can be very stressful. He may have old things to mend with his mother, brother, or sister that make him tense or upset. Because of this tense feeling, many of us will pick fights with our partner, the person who is there with us to support us through this tense visit, because we don’t want to misbehave with our family. So we take out our frustrations on our partner.

So the next time you and your partner go to visit family, write down in advance the things you need to do or work on with your family while you’re there. Let your partner help you and look at him as if he were with you (and for you). You will avoid so many unnecessary discussions.

5. Avoid the passive-aggressive approach: In relationships, a person sometimes drags their partner with them when they go out to meet friends. Then that person will spend the whole night not reminiscing, but instead bringing up personal things about the relationship in front of friends. Your personal life is your personal life, and your friends don’t need to know about everything.

The way this happens sometimes is that one person will take passive-aggressive hits at the other. They will start to hint to friends about the things that they would really love to have in their relationship. This is a very passive-aggressive (and ineffective) way to increase these items.

If you have a personal need or desire that you want your partner to know about, don’t bring it up in public or in a passive-aggressive way. You need to discuss these things with your partner in person and face to face. If you want your partner to do more of something, then tell them how much you would love it. Don’t mention it in front of your friends.

6. Do not air your dirty clothes: When you fight with your partner, don’t tell your family and friends every little detail about it. When you do this, you are actually damaging your relationship. The reason is that even though your family and friends just want to support you, knowing that you had a conflict, they will judge your relationship and your partner after that.

They will judge your partner based on the things you said about them while you were upset or angry. Whenever you speak in anger, you will speak with disdain and venom, and often you will not tell all sides of the story. So keep your personal life between the two of you. It could save your relationship a lot of unnecessary stress.

7. Do something special: In the midst of all these “don’ts,” I also have a “do” that you need to do to help avoid relationship disaster. Every day, I want you to do at least three special things for your partner. Make them breakfast, walk the dog for them, rub their heads, light candles, or anything else you know they’ll really appreciate. Choose things that make them feel wonderful, needed, and warm.

Tell them you love them. Send them ‘I love you’ texts, or something. Understand that the closer you get to your partner and the more you express her love to him, the more intimacy you will have. You also strengthen your relationship every time you do things like this.

So, look at the list above, and then look at your own relationship. Ask yourself how many of the relationship-destroying behaviors you and your partner engage in. Ask yourself how many of the relationship-building behaviors you and your partner engage in. Then, as for the areas where you’re falling short, start making changes right away.

Having a great relationship requires work, patience, and a lot of understanding. Don’t give up on one before you work on it. If you work on it and it still doesn’t work, then at least you know you did everything you could to not only keep it from falling apart but to make it awesome.

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