8 Good Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Start a Home Business

1. If you have less than 7 hours a week. And at sociable hours, not at 2 am when you can’t sleep!

2. If you don’t have at least 4 days a week to share your time (ie, you can’t do only 7 hours on Sunday). You need to do at least one hour on at least 4 days of the week.

3. If you are looking for a job! Running your own business, from home or otherwise, will mean you are self-employed. So you don’t pay a fixed amount per hour, week or month. The money you earn is the profit in your business. If you are looking for a job paid by the hour. So a home business is probably not what you’re looking for right now.

4. If you are looking for a very short-term financial solution. If you have a couple of weeks or months to earn some extra cash, setting up and running a business is not going to be the vehicle for you.

5. If you don’t want to change anything about yourself/your life. If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll have what you’ve always had. If you want more, then something will have to change to make it happen. If you’re not open or happy about things changing in your life, you better stay away from working from home!

6. If you are not open to learning new skills. And I will include here being open to learning. Being teachable is critical to being successful at working from home.

7. If you are not willing to work for it. Any real and legitimate home business will require work. And it will take focus. You have to be prepared to step away from some of your favorite TV shows and work instead. The rewards can be HUGE. But you will have to work for it.

8. If you don’t have a good reason why you want to run a business from home. You will need to have a goal, a reason why you are working from home. This goal will push you towards work. No goal = no drive = no job = unsuccessful home business.

While there will be exceptions to every rule. And there are exceptional people who will succeed despite everything. But for most of us, we shouldn’t start a home business if one of these 8 points above applies to us. Things change in life and even if the time isn’t now, it may be in the future, so keep an open mind so you don’t miss out when it comes!

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