8 oil painting tips for beginners

Oil paintings are high quality and versatile. Plus, they are available in tons of colors. That is the reason why they are used by artists around the world. Although oil painting is easy to get started with, there are a few things to learn. If you like to paint, you may have your favorite brand, media, palettes, and brushes, but there are some general tips for you. Let’s read them.

Start small

If you start with small paintings, it will give you a better idea of ​​the techniques and you will not spend too much time or things in the process. Therefore, it is a good idea to go for canvases or small canvases. You can also try it on paper.

Get organized

It is a good idea to choose a place that is well ventilated and spacious enough that you can put all your things close to you. In addition, it will make the process much easier and you will be able to paint more frequently.

Buy quality brushes

If possible, you should invest in professional standard paintings rather than student qualification. In the same way, when buying brushes, opt for high-quality ones. If you’re just starting out, buying three different sizes is a good idea.

You can go for synthetic brushes, but there are also a plethora of natural hairbrushes. Painters generally use bristle brushes.

Prepare your paint surface

As for the choice of painting surface, know that you can choose between paper, wood or canvas. No matter which one you choose, it is important to use a primer known as gesso on the surface. This will prevent the paint from penetrating the surface.

Alternatively, you can choose a good quality pre-primed board and apply another coat to make the surface even smoother.

Mix of colors

It is important to note that primary colors do not fall into the category of “pure”. Actually, they lean towards blue or yellow. So it is important that you know how to mix them.

Paint palette

If you think you should use all the colors when you are just starting out, you need to think again. At first, you may want to do a monochrome painting. In this case, you will use only one shade, its shades and tints. Depending on what you want, you can go for either one.

Oil sketch

An oil sketch is a thin sketch of color and turpentine. Know that it will dry pretty quickly. You can then add layers of paint without waiting too long.

Clean your brushes

Once you’ve finished painting, don’t forget to clean your brushes with soap and water. You may want to use rags and paper towels to clean excess turpentine and paint from your brushes.

So, here are some basic tips that can help you get started with oil painting if you are a beginner. Hopefully, you can get used to it.

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