A history of cancer

In early August 2016, my daughter-in-law Andrea told her mother and me that her doctor had told her that she had third stage uterine cancer and third stage cervical cancer. This was a huge shock to both of them because Andrea was only thirty years old.

Andrea also said that the doctor had also scheduled her for a Pap test for the first week of September. Andrea knew that she had spent a lot of time on the computer researching cures for cancer because I have several friends who are affected by this disease and Andrea wanted to know what I recommended.

I am 63 years old and in my life I have witnessed how the media announced several different cures for cancer that were silenced. I think the medical industry makes too much money from chemotherapy treatments to want to find a cure for this disease that is killing all of our loved ones. This only makes sense because what would you do if you were making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year on chemotherapy, lived in a huge mansion behind a gated community, and knew if the public ever found out about all the cancer cures available for your money? ? it would dry out.

I am in awe of all the pain and sadness these people have put us through so that they can live in their gated communities. The big pharmaceutical industry is a $ 300 billion a year industry, primarily chemotherapy. The health insurance industry is a trillion dollar a year industry. Think about how much money you would save without cancer treatments. Every time you make the decision to put money ahead of people, you risk paying heavenly dues.

Some of the cures that have already been silenced are, in 2007, the Los Angeles Channel 7 news reported that the cancer had finally been cured. They reported that the doctors were taking white blood cells from the patients and raising them in a dish and then injecting them back into the patients thereby curing the cancer. I heard this story only once on channel 7 news. I have not seen or heard of any follow-ups since.

In 2015, HBO had a special on cancer. This doctor took T cells from AIDS patients and injected them into cancer patients, thus destroying the cancer. This doctor said he expected to receive the patent from the FDA sometime in 2016. That never happened because it is now 2017. Either he was bought or he was killed.

German physician Leonard Coldwell has an oncology clinic in Germany and has a 92% cancer cure rate. When he tried to establish a clinic in the United States, the pharmaceutical industry tried to buy his patent. When he didn’t want to sell, they blew up his car and shot him several times. Dr. Coldwell also stated in his book “The Only Answer to Cancer” that when people in Big Pharma get cancer, they travel to Germany for treatment.

Also in Dr. Coldwell’s book he uses certified food grade 35% hydrogen peroxide to cure cancer. He began his patient’s with three drops in 8 ounces of distilled water per day and increased the dose by one drop per day to 25 drops. We did this treatment on a friend of a friend who had leukemia. After the treatment was completed, he went to his doctor and his blood work returned to “normal”.

Recently, it was reported that doctors were discovering that antifungal drugs cured cancer by accident. Of course, that’s all that has been said about antifungal drugs and doctors keep killing their patients with chemotherapy. Any substance that kills fungi kills cancer.

Antifungal drugs that cure cancer shouldn’t surprise any doctor. In 1931, Dr. Otto Heinrich Warburg from Germany received the Noble Peace Prize in medicine. One of his studies concluded that cancer is a fungus. This is the same statement that Dr. Tullio Simoncini from Italy has been saying for years. American doctors claim that Dr. Tullio Simoncini is a charlatan and yet they do not offer a single proof of why he is a charlatan.

Dr. Tullio Simoncini has a video on YouTube showing cancerous tumors inside a patient and washing cancerous tumors with a sodium bicarbonate solution. Dr. Tullio also tells a story about this patient who was in a coma and had a cancerous brain tumor. The other doctors gave the patient no chance of recovery. Dr. Tullio administered an IV containing a sodium bicarbonate solution. After seven hours, the patient regained consciousness and the tumor had disappeared.

Dr. Mark Sircus also says that cancer is a fungus and he has been curing cancer with baking soda. Dr. Sircus has a clip on YouTube explaining how to properly use the Baking Soda Regiment in the fight against cancer.

I also saw a video on You Tube about a woman in her sixties who had five cancerous tumors all over her body. She tried chemotherapy to no avail. then he tried vitamin B-17. When he took the B-17, all five tumors disappeared. He also found that when he stopped taking B-17, the cancerous tumors returned, so he concluded that because he took chemotherapy (which destroys his immune system) he would have to take B-17 for the rest of his life.

There is an hour and a half program on YouTube called “Cancer, the forbidden cure.” This program covers the hundred-year history of cancer and the many cures that people and doctors had discovered over the years only to have the FDA ban all featured cures.

The conclusion is the following. If you want to cure your cancer, you will have to do your own research. The medical industry values ​​your money more than your life.

When Andrea asked me what I would recommend to fight her cancer, I didn’t want to take any risks or risks. I was undecided between baking soda or B-17. I concluded that taking baking soda or taking B-17 neither had any side effects, so why not take both and see if we couldn’t destroy this cancer quickly? That is exactly what we did. During the several weeks that Andrea was taking baking soda and B-17 I was worried and wondered if she thought the treatments were going to work before her next visit to the doctor. I told him I was not sure if we had enough time, we would have to wait and see.

Then we started Andrea with 500mg of B-17. We gave him a 500mg capsule in the morning and another 500mg capsule in the evening. At the same time, Andrea took 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in half a glass of water three times a day. Morning, noon and night.

In early September 2016, when Andrea went to the doctor for her Pap test, the doctor after examining her said that the cancer had completely disappeared. Andrea immediately took to Facebook and told everyone that the treatments worked.

Why am I writing this article? I have seen my grandmother die of lung cancer, my parents died of cancer, my uncle died of colon cancer. Several friends have died of cancer. My best friend recently had cancer and I told him what I had discovered about cancer. James decided to trust his doctors instead of trying B-17 or baking soda. James is now dead !! disbelief killed him along with the help of his doctors.

It has been said that if you want to find corruption follow the money. Big Pharma is telling us that they are going to spend our money on genetic research. They do this because they know where the cancer really comes from and they know that they could spend all the money in the world and never find a solution from genetic research. Genetic research would guarantee them and their future employees a salary for at least the next hundred years.

Some of the facts that I discovered are chemotherapy that come from mustard gas. It is very toxic. Using chemotherapy as a cure for cancer is ridiculous. Chemotherapy kills everything, both cancer cells and normal cells. The doctor’s goal is to kill cancer cells before chemotherapy kills you. This focus in itself is deadly and retarded. Even if they kill the cancer first, the venom has still left their immune system dead. And like my mom’s case, they first killed the cancer and a year later when she caught a cold, without an immune system the cold turned into pneumonia and killed her.

According to Google, the cancer cure rate in the United States is 2.1% and in Australia the cure cancellation rate is 2.3%. Neither of which is acceptable. That means there is a 97.9% chance that you will die from using chemotherapy and radiation as a cancer treatment! I also read that the average life span of a cancer patient who receives chemotherapy is six months. The study also found that if you did nothing in your fight against cancer, then you would have a 7% chance of survival!

Another interesting fact that I found is that forensic pathologist Dr. Michael D. Farley said in an interview that of all the countless autopsies he has performed on cancer victims in his career, none of them have ever died of cancer! Cancer victims have died from chemotherapy or radiation poisoning or both, or, in the case of people like my mother, they died from a lack of immune systems.

Currently in the United States they say that one in three people will develop cancer at some point in their life. Do yourself a big favor if you are one of the three. Do your research. Don’t take any advice from anyone who makes money from cancer treatment. It only makes sense to try baking soda first. If taken correctly, it only costs about a dollar and has no side effects.

In conclusion, cancer is a simple fungus that is easily killed. Baking soda kills cancer, B-17 kills cancer, a raw vegetable diet kills cancer, your doctor’s antifungal medications kill cancer, turmeric prevents and kills cancer, food grade hydrogen peroxide kills cancer. 35% kill cancer, chemotherapy and radiation kill it.

These drugs are relatively inexpensive and do not require faith or belief on your part to work effectively. You can be the biggest skeptic on the planet. You cannot even believe that it will work for you as long as you follow these treatments, your cancer will go away.

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