A Little Work Can Equal Fat Loss

If you have a weight problem, losing fat is a great way to improve your health. Often, only a small weight reduction is needed to reap many health benefits.

Losing as little as twenty pounds can help lower your blood pressure to a more normal range. If you can’t lower your blood pressure with medication, try to lose some weight. Normal blood pressure reduces the risk of heart attack or stroke.

Diabetics or borderline diabetics also benefit from weight loss. Losing fat makes it easier to maintain blood sugar levels. Some diabetics can, with their doctor’s approval, stop taking their prescribed diabetes medications if they lose weight.

Weight loss is an important measure to prevent a heart attack. If you lose weight, low blood pressure helps. The same goes for lowering your cholesterol level. Weighing less means your heart doesn’t need to work as hard to deliver oxygen to your body.

While losing weight may not always be easy, remember that small changes in life can add up to reaching your goals. Try to reduce your food intake by one hundred calories. That’s a tablespoon of mayonnaise on a sandwich or a piece of cheese every day. Over time you will lose weight. Progress will be slow, but you will be able to maintain the weight this way.

It also helps increase activity. Little things add up. Try to park further from the gate. Walk around the block with your spouse. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Each more step you take increases the calories you burn. Those extra calories add up to fat loss. The more steps you take each day, the easier it will be to take even more the next day.

If you do the work to lose fat today, you will have a better tomorrow.

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