A new book guides readers to own an authentic and powerful self

Stepping into Your Becoming is an inspiring new book by Nicole Gabriel, author of the previously published book Finding Your Inner Truth. While it is a standalone book, it chronologically follows where Finding Your Inner Truth ended with Nicole beginning her life in Hawaii and how she continued her spiritual and healing journey once she got there.

In the first book, Nicole detailed how to find her inner truth, leaving her readers in awe of her many diverse spiritual experiences, ranging from working with shamans to experiencing some extraordinary and even bizarre supernatural events. Finally, Nicole learned what her inner truth was and how to embrace it. Now, in this new book, she owns that truth by living it and modeling it for others so that they too can step into their own authentic identity.

Stepping into Your Becoming is divided into four sections that guide readers through the process of appropriating their authentic self. The sections are: Awakening, Transform, Awareness, and Being. In the first section, Nicole reveals how she woke up to more truth. Readers of her previous book will remember how attached she is to her Shar Pei dogs. She details in this book the near-tragic accident that occurred when one of her dogs fell off the side of a cliff while she and her fiancé were walking down a mountain trail in Hawaii. Nicole was instantly devastated by the possible loss of her dog and organized a rescue attempt. This situation initially sent her into a tailspin, but in the end, it taught her powerful lessons that she now shares with her readers.

Using this event as a springboard, Nicole reveals how even the most unexpected and disturbing moments can be part of God’s plan for our lives. With that said, this is not a Christian book on belief and faith, rather Nicole draws on numerous traditions, from Christianity to shamanism to Hawaiian spirituality, to find truth and wisdom that she can apply to all areas of her life. . He is very open-minded to different spiritual beliefs and is also aware that no one tradition has all the answers or the only answer. Each of us must explore and decide for ourselves what is true for us; then we must empower ourselves with that truth and spread our message of authenticity to others.

Each chapter ends with tips drawn from the main points of that chapter. For example, the tips in Chapter 2 are:
1. Know that God created you and will not intentionally hurt you or your loved ones.
2. Trust in the power that created you.
3. Understand that God has a better plan than you can imagine.
4. Believe in miracles.
5. You have the power to overcome doubt. Use it.

Elsewhere, Nicole has tips in the middle of chapters like Tips for Flowing With the Spirit. One of them is: “The outer world is a reflection of our inner state of consciousness. Adjust it accordingly.” To me, that statement reflects one of the most powerful messages in the book: that many things we encounter in life can be seen as mirrors of ourselves and something we must learn. For example, in a situation that you find unpleasant, how does what you are facing reflect something about yourself that you may find unpleasant and need to change? How can you use that situation to grow and become more authentically you?

I also appreciated Nicole’s open-mindedness towards other traditions and her belief that they can all help us. He notes that he appreciates Buddhism because, unlike other religions such as Christianity, it does not claim to have all the answers or to be the only way to God or wisdom. He also likes that Buddhism upholds personal responsibility: instead of following someone else’s words or philosophy, we must find our own way and live it. By doing so, we can be authentic.

Often what Nicole describes is that difficult-to-describe place that we want to be in and that we can’t quite describe. We are caught up in definitions of who we are in relation to our careers, but a career does not have to define us. At one point Nicole says:

“When I was a kid, most people thought I wanted to be an artist. But what I wanted to be was more than that, it just wasn’t something I could explain to others. It was just white light. I knew it was meant to be white light. How do you explain that? And maybe I wanted to be an artist or a constructor of white light? But who does that? It would take me years to understand what this really means. “

This passage reveals that life is complicated. There are no easy answers. We often cannot put into words what we want or who we are, but all of that is good. It encourages us to take the journey and keep looking. Why can’t a child say they want to be a white light, or a saint, or create a new kind of art, or do something that hasn’t been done before?

We all need to own our own truths. We cannot allow other people’s opinions of us or their expectations of us to prevent us from sharing our special gifts with the world.

If you are struggling because you feel like you don’t quite fit into this world or that no one understands you, if you feel that you have gifts to offer the world that others don’t understand or that you can’t even explain yet, then take comfort in knowing that Nicole Gabriel has been there. and he has had the courage to publish this book as part of his journey towards his own becoming. If she can find her own truth and recognize it, you can do the same.

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