Adult Cystic Acne – Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Cystic acne in adults is among the most serious skin diseases that a person can suffer from. However, for a long time, this form of acne was exclusively associated with young children or, at most, adolescents. It was thought to be extremely rare in adults. However, recent studies have confirmed that cystic acne among adults is becoming more common. This requires a comprehensive understanding of the disease.

How is cystic acne represented in adults?

This form of acne is also known as nodulocystic acne. This is one of the most severe types of acne out there. When an adult suffers from acne, the skin develops pus-filled lesions that are sometimes incredibly painful. Painful lesions are the ones that ultimately damage the skin. Even when the lesions heal, they leave a trail of ugly scars. Acne lesions are simply a collection of dead cells, blood cells, and bacteria.

What are the causes of cystic acne in adults?

Modern research has not clearly defined what causes cystic acne in adults. However, it is commonly believed that it was increased due to intracutaneous infections. In most cases, such an infection occurs around the hair roots, at the source of the hair follicles. The infections themselves could be triggered by the application of some skin lotions and other facial beauty products.

Of particular concern are modern antiaging creams and anti-wrinkle creams with high levels of mercury. Chemical deposits generally cause skin malfunctions which consequently lead to acne formation. Poor diet (greasy and greasy fast food) and hygiene are also major contributors to skin disease. Some schools of thought also attribute the high incidence of adult acne to frequent exposure of the skin to direct sunlight without a safe sunscreen.

Other causes of cystic acne in adults include:

o Heavy and regular consumption of alcohol

or heavy smoking

or mental depressions

o Accumulated stress levels

o As a symptom of other diseases and illnesses such as cancer.

o Hormonal imbalances (endocrine diseases

What are the treatments available for adult cystic acne?

Cystic acne in adults is a very difficult condition to treat and we currently have no single medical cure available. However, doctors have been able to relieve a patient’s irritation and pain caused by acne through a variety of ways. Initial treatments on the market (for mild cases of the condition) include tropical and medicated creams. The most effective medications today are the oral types that seek to remedy the condition from within the body rather than form the skin’s surface.

We have a host of antibiotic medications currently in use as cystic acne treatments. Antibiotics usually aim to attack the bacteria that cause the lesions. In severe cases of cystic acne, you need extremely high doses of antibiotics. In the most extreme case of the condition, surgery is usually performed. However, the surgery itself leaves more scarring on the skin and there is no guarantee that it will help remove all lesions. Also, surgery is unrealistically expensive for some patients, and yet comes with huge side effects and health risks.

A natural way to reduce acne is to maintain good hygiene and expand your diet towards what is natural, wholesome and wholesome. The most popular treatments currently are non-medical treatments, especially home remedies to reduce irritation, itchiness, and the further development of cystic acne. Such home remedy ingredients include:

sodium bicarbonate

or tea tree oil

or birth control pills

or honey etc.

These remedies help improve skin health and cleanse it of bacterial infections. Healthy skin will really develop adult cystic acne, especially if supplemented by a regular and consistent healthy diet. For those who already have the condition, honey and tea tree oil soothe the skin and reduce irritation.

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