An Overview to Listing a House Correctly!

After more than 15 years as a licensed real estate seller in New York State, I have come to firmly believe that, in most cases, homeowners looking to sell their home will achieve the best possible results, if/ When they PRICE your home, correctly, and with a great degree of thought and consideration, from – the – beginning! Each homeowner must decide what their personal situation, needs, goals, priorities and reasons for selling are, and what they are looking for, feel they need and why. With that in mind, this article will briefly try to consider, examine, review and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it is important.

1. priorities; purposes; perceptions; property: Individuals have personal priorities, and their purposes often differ in terms of their reasons and rationale for selling and seeking a specific price. Is one’s perception of value based on reality and market conditions, or is it simply an emotional or mistaken belief? Even when the houses are somewhat similar, there may be some unique features, etc., of a particular property that could either make it more or less attractive to qualified buyers.

two. Reasoning; region; bedrooms; renovations; repair: One must carefully examine and consider their reasoning and reasons for holding certain beliefs about the value of their home! Consider the specific region, because much of real estate is local, in nature! It’s not just about the rooms, in terms of numbers, etc., but also about the size, layout, and other intangible features, qualities, and details! How well have the renovations been done, in terms of making the house more desirable to future owners? What repairs have been made, need to be made, and/or may need to be addressed in the relatively near future?

3. inclusions; improvements: What inclusions could make a house attract higher prices and which might not? Different renovations, upgrades, and renovations have vastly different returns on investment (ROI)!

Four. character; clarity; condition; comparative: The best way, in most cases, to determine a listing price is to conduct a carefully considered and professionally created comparative market analysis. In this way, one can proceed, with greater clarity and purpose, and take into consideration many factors, as well as the general condition and character (such as curb appeal, etc.) of a particular property.

5. Emphasis; Excellence: How a home is displayed and where the emphasis can be placed often determines first impressions and ultimately the selling price! Wise owners carefully select the best agent, to represent them, and this specific property! Never accept less than excellence in the service provided and offered!

When choosing the agent to represent you, hire a real estate professional who consistently tell you what you need to know, not just what you want to hear (MT). Since, for most, the value of their home represents their single largest asset value, doesn’t that make sense?

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