Animation jobs: 3D animation to improve your factory, warehouse and supply chain flows

I’m sure we hear a lot of complaints about how difficult it is to break into the 3D animation business and Hollywood. Many in the US complain that most jobs are now going to India, and while it is true that India’s animation entertainment sector and electronic arts industry are growing by leaps and bounds, we must also realize that there are many more animation jobs out there. movies every year than there have been in the past.

We also need to realize that Disney, Pixar, and DreamWorks are releasing a couple of animated movies a month, usually they might do one, two, or maybe in a blue moon three in the same year. It should also be noted that television is using much more animation than in the past, and not just for children’s shows and cartoons anymore. We are seeing more animated films and cartoons around the world, so the reality is that the entire industry is growing and more jobs are needed.

Of course computer technology and software are also getting much better and a good computer operator can do what 100 animators used to do in a week. So while there are more animated movies, it can be said that fewer people are needed. And more people with creative capacity + excellent computer skills to manipulate and design in 3D software.

Still, we need people, a lot of them to do animation, and that’s why so much work goes to places where jobs are cheaper in India. However, there are jobs in the United States in animation-related subsectors of the industry, such as 3D animation for new inventions, innovations, concepts, or product presentations. There is also a great need for things like 3D animation to help businesses and corporations improve distribution supply chain flows in their factories and warehouses.

Before someone gives up on their dream of having a job in animation, they should also look at these supporting industries. From there, they may be able to gain the experience they need to break into the most glamorous and “sometimes” highest paying animation entertainment industry. I hope you will please consider all of this.


1. Wharton Business School Newsletter; Story about the animation industry in India.
2.Revista de Negocios Estratégicos; recent article on 3D Animation in Warehouse and Supply Chain Efficiencies.

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