Anti-Aging Tactics For Men: The Ultimate Guide To Looking Younger As You Age

In this article I ask myself, in aging, what can differentiate you from a man who ages regularly without taking care of his body and face to the fullest? What can you do NOW to set yourself apart from his peers? What can give him that extra edge that will earn him accolades as he ages?

Ultimately, the things that separate a young looking guy from an older looking man are simple.


1. WEIGHT GAIN or even an out of shape “FAT” body

2. Unhealthy skin that looks “dull”

3. Unnecessarily wrinkled sagging skin

4. Lack of definition of facial muscles: unnecessary fat around the jaw line, chin, and no real contour of a “sculpted” face.

5. Double Chin Syndrome: I see it in over 90% of “older” men.


1. LEAN and maintained a healthy weight and very low percentage of body fat.

2. Fresh, vibrant looking skin and firm facial tissue.

3. No visible wrinkles or just a few small lines that aren’t too deep.

4. Definition in facial muscles- Through high cheekbones, defined jaw, etc.

5. No double chin syndrome

So how can YOU, as an aging man, combat this “older man” syndrome from occurring?

1. Start staying out of the sun as much as you can, first of all from the very first moment of your life.

2. Wear sunscreen even when going to your car to work and back. Yes, even 5 minutes of exposure can cause skin damage.

3. Wear sunglasses when you are outside. This double protects the delicate eye area, the first area to show visible signs of ageing. Do you really want to look your best at any age? Make sunglasses a habit! And more, a good pair looks so cool!

4. Increase your water intake daily. Drink an 8-ounce glass every waking hour. Or about 100 ounces daily would really boost your skin’s collagen and suppleness. This will make you look younger in a matter of days. This simple practice is often overlooked by men.

5. Maintain a healthy weight. Make exercise a LIFESTYLE, not a TASK. Instead of telling yourself that I “MUST” do it, tell yourself that I “WANT” to do it. Program your mind to incorporate exercise into your daily life.

6. Decrease daily caloric intake. If you eat 2000 calories a day or 2500 cut around 300-500 calories a day and you will see rapid weight loss in a week. Imagine what a decrease in daily caloric intake can mean in the long term! Being slim is a KEY component to looking young.

7. Start a skin care program even in your 20s. Using a quality retin-A skin care product or potent vitamin C solution can prevent and greatly reduce the number of fine lines and wrinkles that will develop over time on your face.

8. Realization of facial exercises. Even at a young age, this can help prevent double chin syndrome, give definition to facial muscles, and even reduce puffiness under the eyes.

9. Reduce stress in your life. Stress can really make us look older, even older on the outside. Try reducing your stress with proven stress reduction methods such as yoga, meditation, hypnosis, breathing exercises, or even using a sauna/steam room!

10. Use your gym’s sauna/steam room three times a week. This will draw the toxins out of your skin, including your face, and make your skin look much fresher, brighter, and younger.

With these anti-aging tactics for men, you’ll be on your way to looking younger as you age and put your best face forward.

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