Are Dragon Ball Z action figures worth investing in?

Many of us know about action figures from a young age. At first, maybe we only got to play with our friends’ toys, but eventually there came a time when we liked a character enough to annoy our parents about it. The interesting fact that I have noticed these days is that much of what is created for television is based on numerous characters that must then be collected by children. It’s marketing from day one, and therefore some of the story lines don’t make any sense.

Around when American comic book heroes were really strong on the airwaves, Dragon Ball Z came along. It quickly gained a loyal following as it was different and also had a story that didn’t end in every episode. It was a very long and well thought out concept and it kept many glued to it for years. One of my friends from grad school would run home to watch the new episode and it would always make me laugh. In Japan, this anime has been around for much longer and was already extremely popular there, especially among anime fans. Many figures and other products have been created around the brand and they have sold quite well. Many of the older Dragon Ball Z action figures, as well as Godzilla action figures, are selling for very high prices these days.

The only thing I would be careful about is buying the Chinese copies that are sold as originals. It is a complete waste of money, as they are worth nothing, but they can command high prices online. This has always been a problem in the collectibles industry, but is now very prevalent when it comes to action figures.

The research you do now will save you a lot in the long run.

Your kids will probably want their own copies, so be prepared to buy a second one. I’ve done this for years with comics, as one of them is for the collection and the other is for reading. It can be difficult if you are looking at an item that is worth a few thousand, but that could be a time when you just buy it and put it away.

If you can, try to find other collectors in your area. Others with the same interest can possibly give you good advice or even facilitate beneficial exchanges. I’ve been very lucky as I got some great deals on my dragon ball z action figures before they went back in demand. Some of the items I bought in multiples and now I have three or four of each in my collection. Hopefully this will pay off even more in the long run and you’ve already paid for quite a few vacations. It’s definitely a great idea to buy some of these action figures and enjoy them even if they don’t make you rich.

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