Are you a role model for your children?

Parents and Guardians

Have you ever asked yourself; Am I a good role model for my children?

Do I teach them the valuable lessons of how to be fit and how to lead a healthy lifestyle?

if the answer is NO then start by looking at yourself in the mirror. His son looks up to him, so if he isn’t fit and healthy, his son may think he doesn’t have to bother either.

if the answer is YES then without a doubt you take care of yourself and you want to pass it on to your children so that they can live the healthy life that you live and that they deserve.

Don’t be the middle parent. By this I mean don’t teach your kids how to be fit and healthy, but sit on the couch all day and stuff your face with chips. This can be confusing to the child and give them a sense of choice,’yes, I may be fit, but yes, I may grow up to be like mommy and daddy eating crap because they seem fine.’

What your kids aren’t seeing is their insides getting clogged and health problems rising left, right, and center. They don’t see that their lives could be at stake if they don’t stay fit and healthy. So be the YES father and take the following steps to get your family in shape.

1) If you, the parent, are not in the best shape, then start educating yourself on the basics. Start by exercising a few times a week and start swapping out some of the junk foods in your pantry for healthier alternatives.

2) Educate your children as you are educating yourself, why not learn the basics together as a family, maybe even invent games to make it more fun?

3) Stop taking the easy way out when feeding your kids, it’s always easy to just throw them some chips and a micro pizza, but you say you want them to grow up to be healthy young adults, right? Make more home-cooked meals and give your kids a variety of foods so their range of tastes isn’t narrowed down to chicken and turkey dinosaurs.

4) It’s hard these days to steer youngsters away from console gaming, but who’s really to blame? I mean you bought it…
Start by letting your child spend as much time on the console and getting them to do some physical activity. This could be sending them out with friends to play or inviting them to a local sport.

5) Finally, make the change together. There is nothing stronger than a family bond, going for a walk, playing on the local ball field, and maintaining fitness and good health together.

So, what are you waiting for? There are no excuses for not having a healthy lifestyle for yourself or your children, so start in the kitchen, throw out the trash, then put on your sneakers and get out there with the kids and ensure they grow into healthy young adults.

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