Area rugs to complement your place

As rugs provide an important touch to enhance the appearance of your home, they are considered one of the most vital decorations a house can have. All interior designers around the world would agree with me that rugs play an essential role in home decoration. Area rugs are not just one of the accessories that cushion your feet and keep them warm during the harsh winter cold.

Rugs are miniature masterpieces that are produced to add a decorative and useful look to your home. You can complement your modern rugs with different morning furniture. They are generally simple and geometric and are available in vibrant colors.

However, there are rugs and rugs that can release chemicals into the surrounding air depending on the raw material from which they are created and how they are made. If you care about your health, more specifically, the well-being of your family, you should look beyond the visual appearance and choose supplies that are safe for your well-being.

Indoor pollution is approximately five percent higher than outdoor pollution. Some compounds used in the manufacture of synthetic rugs and carpets are VOCs, or Volatile Organic Compounds. VOC vapors are easily dispersed in the air. The chemical compounds found are recognized to be carcinogens or cancer-causing agents. If you use synthetic rugs, then you are living in a house full of harmful substances that can cause cancer.

On the other hand, green rugs or eco-friendly rugs are usually made from normal fibers such as sisal, wool, seagrass, mountain grass, and bamboo. Sisal fibers are obtained from the agave plant. The EPA authorized all of these materials as biodegradable green products. They don’t have chemicals.

Organic material rugs tend to be much more reliable and durable than man-made material rugs. By making use of organic rugs you are not only taking care of the health of your family but you are also supporting the preservation of planet earth.

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