Avascular Necrosis of the Hip (AVN): Successful and Effective Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Avascular necrosis (AVN) is a disease in which the blood supply to the articular bone head is drastically reduced, causing complete disorganization and eventually collapse of the bone head. Although the hip joint is most affected, AVN can also affect other joints, such as the shoulder. This condition can be caused by long-term use of steroids, excessive alcohol consumption, and chronic diseases such as blood disorders and autoimmune disorders. Lately there has been a gradual increase in the incidence of autoimmune disorders with a consequent increase in the use of steroids; therefore, AV N is diagnosed much more frequently. Patients between the ages of 20 and 30 usually present with this disease.

The conservative management of this condition in the modern system of medicine is to administer bisphosphonates to possibly reduce the rate of calcium decline and thus preserve joint structure as much as possible. This is complemented by graduated physiotherapy to preserve joint function and maintain muscle strength. A slightly advanced condition requires central decompression surgery to reduce stress on the joint. Subsequent management is only with the use of pain relievers such as paracetamol and adopting a “wait and see” policy. Patients who progress to the third or fourth stage of the disease involving extensive joint destruction are generally recommended for total joint replacement. Joint replacement surgery can be prohibitively expensive; In addition, it may not provide the full range of motion that the person previously had with a normal joint.

In this scenario, Ayurvedic herbal treatment can be used very successfully to achieve complete and effective control of AVN. Ayurvedic treatment may differ from patient to patient, depending on the presentation of the disease and the severity of the symptoms, which typically include pain, stiffness, stiffness, and limitation of movement. Patients with a very mild condition may receive medications to reduce inflammation, treat muscle spasm, increase blood supply to the joint, and provide medications to help reorganize the structure of the joint. This is usually supplemented by local therapy in the form of the application of medicated oils and local fomentations. Gentle exercises also help along with oral medication and local therapy. This treatment is usually sufficient for patients suffering from the second stage of AVN.

Unfortunately, most patients come for Ayurvedic treatment when AVN has progressed to stage 3 or 4, i.e. the later stages of the condition. In this scenario, very aggressive treatment must be instituted to achieve early resolution of symptoms and cure to the greatest extent possible. Ayurvedic medication should be administered in high doses for a period of at least six to eight months. Additionally, highly fortified medicated enemas are administered once a week for a period of two to three months.

Even at an advanced stage of AVN, Ayurvedic herbal therapy is highly effective and successful in treating and resolving all symptoms of pain, stiffness, and limitation of movement. Patients who receive regular treatment and physical therapy become symptom free in as little as three to five months and continue with their normal daily activities. The medications can then be gradually reduced based on the patient’s response and the severity of the symptoms. Low-dose supplementation therapy can be continued to maintain the healing and reorganization process of the joints, as well as to prevent a relapse of the condition.

Ayurvedic herbal therapy is safe even for long-term use. Therefore, Ayurvedic herbal treatment can be used judiciously in the successful and effective management of AVN in all its different stages of presentation.

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