Avoid bulky legs: Must-have ideas for women

One concern about weightlifting exercises for the lower body is that it could lead to the development of large, bulky muscles that give a masculine appearance.

Weight training doesn’t always make your physique look that way when you plan your workouts right, and that’s wonderful information!

The development of thickness in the lower part of the body is not desirable, so you will need to learn the correct method to control this.

This is a list of the main points to remember.

Do more reps

Maintaining higher rep ranges is undoubtedly one of the first things to do when doing your leg workouts. To build serious muscle, you’ll use a rep range of 6 to 8 reps, so for longer, leaner-looking legs, choose a rep range of 10 to 15.

Some women will take this up to 20, but there really isn’t much benefit to going above 15 reps. The weight you’re using to do the reps probably isn’t challenging enough if you can do 20 reps at a time.

Use a challenging but lighter weight

Speaking of weights, this brings us to our next point: To avoid developing bulky legs, you want to make sure your legs are challenged with the weight you’re using, but that the weight isn’t extraordinarily heavy.

Since heavy lifting is what promotes an increase in lower body size, you should avoid this when you can. The weight you are using should allow you to perform up to 10 to 15 repetitions, after which you will begin to feel fatigued.

When you are able to do 15 reps with ease and feel like you can continue, this is the indication that you need to increase your weight a bit so that you continue to challenge your muscles.

Try doing plyometric movements.

Focus on doing plyometric movements, the third factor you need to do to get that streamlined look and avoid bulky legs. Be sure to do bouncing moves like jump lunges and jump squats. A great method for building lower body strength, these workouts won’t cause a lot of bulk in your leg muscles. They will also really help increase your metabolic rate, so that’s another very nice benefit of using them.

Track your diet

The final element that can help you in your goal of building slimmer legs is to make sure your calorie intake is monitored. If you eat too many calories, that can also encourage higher rates of muscle growth, so you could end up with slightly bigger legs.

You will not have surplus calories to build muscle if you are using a maintenance eating plan or a reduced calorie weight loss plan.

You will be able to prevent any muscle bulking from occurring when you continue to keep your weight loss plan in check.

If you need to have long, skinny legs instead of thick, bulky ones, these are just some of the most effective steps to consider. Getting a sleek, streamlined look is simple when you remember to keep these points in mind.

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