Bacterial Vaginosis Natural Cures: How To Get Rid Of Vaginal Fishy Odor

Natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis are a great alternative to antibiotics that are not only expensive but can also have unpleasant side effects. Most women, when asked, would prefer to use natural remedies to treat all sorts of conditions, and bacterial vaginosis is no exception.

As a long time sufferer myself, it was a bacterial vaginosis natural cure that finally gave me the relief I had wanted for so long. Since my late teens, I seemed to have spent most of my life doing laundry. I was absolutely paranoid that I had a bad case of body odor. She never went anywhere without a pack of baby wipes in her bag, and she always carried spare panties that she changed frequently throughout the day. I must have spent a fortune on over-the-counter remedies for bacterial vaginosis, but nothing seemed to have much of an effect.

Subsequent pregnancies made no difference, nor did my middle age. In fact, as my kids got older, they would notice the stink. The worst was when my son, who was about 5 years old, invited a friend over and when his mom came looking for him, she said (in the way only 5-year-olds can!) “Mom, my mom’s Joe smells so bad!” I didn’t know where to look; she neither. If she could have made the earth swallow me right there, she might as well have done it! I also had to face the terrible embarrassment of having my manager call me at work and tactlessly tell me that he had a case of body odor. She was kind and understanding, but that made it worse. I burst into tears but of course couldn’t explain that the problem was bacterial vaginosis.

I started searching the internet and found a huge number of ways to get rid of fishy vaginal odor. Some of the things I tried really helped, and these include:

* Eat live yogurt and also soak a tampon that can be placed directly into the vagina.

* Take 2 capsules of high strength garlic daily

* Try tea tree oil vaginal suppositories

* Prepare a solution of 1 teaspoon of grape seed extract in 2 cups of water and use as a douche

Although these tips helped a little, the relief was temporary. While searching, I found details of bacterial vagnosis natural cures that promised to work in 3 days.

Desperate, I tried it. I fully admit to being skeptical, but since it came with a full money-back guarantee, I figured I had nothing to lose.

It worked like a charm! Within 2 days, the condition had improved dramatically and as promised, within 3 days I was back to normal. Best of all, I was able to keep further attacks under complete control, and within a few weeks, I was completely free of bacterial vaginosis.

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