
We all have busy lives … family duties, our work or careers, taking time to exercise, time to eat, time for chores or errands … Then there is time for social activities, time for hobbies, time to just enjoy of the things we like to do … But do we ever take the time to deliberately factor our sleep time? I’m not talking about going to sleep by default, when everything else is done, but about consciously and deliberately scheduling our sleep time. Consider taking an action step by working backward, knowing what time you need to get up and allowing a 7-9 hour night’s sleep. In other words, consciously choose your bedtime … Scientists say that adults need 7-9 hours of sleep a day. Actually 1/3 of us get less than that and there is a dangerous downside for those who are sleep deprived. In addition to the fact that we are not functioning at our highest level, there are many health risks in not allowing the body enough time to repair and rest during sleep. There is a greater risk of diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, among others, in addition to greatly affecting our mood. Only 1% or less are poor sleepers, requiring 4 to 6 hours a day. Out of 100 people who think they need only 5-6 hours of sleep, only 5 people can function on that.

How hormones affect your sleep

Lack of sleep is a “dieter’s nightmare.” Leptin and ghrelin are hormones that work together to control feelings of hunger and fullness. Ghrelin is produced in the gastrointestinal tract, which stimulates the appetite, while leptin is produced in fat cells and sends a signal to the brain when it is full. According to Michael Breus, PhD, faculty member of the Atlanta School of Sleep Medicine and director of the Southeastern Lung Care Sleep Disorders Centers in Atlanta, “When you don’t get enough sleep, your leptin levels drop, which it means you don’t feel as full after eating. Lack of sleep also causes ghrelin levels to rise, which means your appetite is stimulated, so you want more food. ” The two of them, he says, can set the stage for overeating, which in turn can lead to weight gain.

Overall performance

Even in sports, they are beginning to see how when teams travel to different time zones, their biological clocks affect their performance. At Stanford University, the basketball team added more sleep for their players and thus added points to their games.

So how much is enough?

One way to measure how much sleep you need is the next time you are on vacation, go to sleep without alarms and let your body sleep as long as it needs. Measure the amount of time you slept, take the average and that is the amount of sleep you need. Oh, and by the way … teens need about 9 hours of sleep each night … one high school recognized that starting school early was not in their best interest, so they changed the school schedule to adapt the level of functioning of the students. So … if we choose to make sleep a high priority, making sure we get enough sleep, 7 to 9 hours a night, maybe we will be healthier, not overweight, we will be in a better mood, we will function at a higher level. level and simply enjoy our lives much more. I know that when I don’t get enough sleep, my productivity is lower that day. I am interested in knowing what are some of the things that you notice when you are sleep deprived.

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