Bodylastics Chest Exercises – Build a powerful chest with these 3 best Bodylastics chest exercises

Many of my clients always ask me, “What is the best way to build a rock hard muscular chest using resistance exercise bands?”

Well, to answer their question and maybe yours… here are the three best chest exercises from bodylastics.

One of the best things about the Bodylastics training system is the door attachment. This simple yet effective device allows you to place these resistance bands at the top, center, or bottom of any doorway. Why is this so important? Simply because it allows you to use exercise bands in a similar way to an expensive cable system.

For example, here are my 3 favorite chest exercises that target and build the upper, middle, and lower pectoral muscle:

1. Attach the bands to the door accessory, then place the door accessory carefully on the door making sure it does not slip.

2. Grasp the handles of the resistance exercise bands without looking toward the door. (In other words, your back is to the door)

3. Press the handles away from your chest to about eye level in this chest tilt motion. This exercise works the upper chest giving it that high, bouncy look that most men desire.

You can easily rotate this exercise to develop your mid and lower chest just like you would direct your hands toward your mid or lower chest while pressing down on the handles. You can layer these three exercises by doing one set of 8 to 12 reps for your upper chest and then without rest; do another 8 to 12 reps for the middle chest, and finally do 8 to 12 reps pushing down for the lower chest. At this point rest for about 60 seconds to 90 seconds and then start another giant set.

Structuring your training program this way will give you a lean, muscular chest that you’ll be proud to show off every time you hit the beach.

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