Book Review – Section 1 – Money Master the Game by Tony Robbins

The first section of Master the Game begins by taking the time to establish the purpose behind Tony’s writing. Tony immersed himself in this massive project because he was enraged by the way the financial system is set up to confuse people and maximize opportunities for corporations rather than normal, hard-working people. The economic crisis of 2008 was what stimulated and pushed him to come up with the content of this book. Tony decided that to fight the system he was going to find the 50 best financial minds in the world and interview them with the purpose of giving regular, hardworking people like you and me the opportunity to learn from the greatest in the world. successful financial gurus. That is exactly what he did. Tony got these expert men and women to show their financial wisdom for free. All you have to do is pick up Tony’s book, which by the way, all proceeds will go to feeding people in need around the world! Very cool.

“We all have money in our lives; what matters is that you dominate money and it does not dominate you.”

So what are the key takeaways from the first section of “Money Master the Game”?

The seven steps Tony has included in this book are achievable by anyone regardless of income level.

Tony is extremely wealthy, but he didn’t set out to write a book that would only be of value to those who are rich. Tony believes in the power of generosity and gratitude, which is why this book is about giving back to those seeking financial freedom. No matter how much money you make, you can take the principles you learn throughout this book and begin applying them in your life midway through the first section. In fact, it asks you to act. Put the book down and take action to start that drive toward financial freedom.

“The secret to wealth is simple: find a way to do more for others than anyone else.”

If we can stop thinking that money is something we compete for, we can begin to dominate money. Life is about living in relation to others and the money we receive in our lives can be a direct reflection of those relationships. If you learn something, share it with others. If something is valuable to you, tell people. What do you do when you go to see a great movie with your friends? Go tell those around you how wonderful it was! Maybe you write a Facebook post or Tweet. Spread the word because you care. Do this with everything that excites you in your life. Be grateful for what you have and share it with others! Maximize your positive contribution to the world and wealth becomes a by-product of that.

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