Can using tactics get you in trouble as a marketing coach?

There are hundreds of quality tactics for doing business NOW. But like everything, there is a right way and a wrong way to use them.

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When you work with principles like Stephen Covey’s Seven Principles, as long as you work within those principles and ethics and then use tactics, you’re all good.

Those who are skilled at persuasion constantly use tactics.

They become so skilled that they don’t know how or what they’re doing at the time because it’s ingrained in who they are.

Picture this: your child, if you’re on your bike and a car pulls up to you, you’ll use very specific words and tactics that you know are effective at getting people to do what you tell them to do instantly. And then you say: “Son, he comes back here quickly, instantly, now!”

That is a tactic.

And there are hundreds of quality tactics for doing business right now. But it’s a lot like some of the seduction stuff out there.

I like the seduction stuff because it basically does one thing; gets you the first date. But the seduction stuff doesn’t work the second time.

Everything that is a tactic gets the first date; get the first date But after that, it’s your character, it’s who you are, there’s something about you that’s special or unique that makes you different from everyone else, that gets you the second date, the second date, the future business.

When you sell your consulting services, are you specifically trying to close deals in your consulting practice, or are you really persuading people to ask you to do business with them?

I listen to “Secrets to Closing the Sale” by Zig Zigler and I loved that set; it was really great, lots of great stories and stuff to close sales.

But I think if you think in terms of closing sales, from a tactical point of view, it’s probably a mistake.

I go into every conversation with the assumption that if I’m talking to this person, why would I do business with someone else?

It is not arrogance; it’s just that I know I’m going to work harder for that person and give them more value and more information than anyone else.

I really believe this is who I am. If someone comes out with a product and I think it’s amazing, I’ll come out with a better one because I don’t want them to have the best product out there.
I will have the best.

That’s how I am and I think that if people believe the same thing, it’s not even believing in oneself. You’re going to work harder for this person than anyone else, so why on earth would anyone do business with anyone else?

So it’s not even persuading; it’s almost like an attitude. And that’s why I always think that things happen fast.

In the sales presentation, I never talk for long, I just say, this is what I have, this is what it does, let’s do it right now. And then talk about baseball.

It would never occur to me to try to force close or anything like that. I would try to build a relationship, intentionally on purpose at first.

As a marketing consultant, learning the ethical use of tactics will not only help you build rapport quickly, but also increase the likelihood of closing a sale.

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