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Health Fitness

How sweet is not

Humans have been sweet to sweets for a long time. Before sugar there was honey, the natural sweetener available, as long as you weren’t afraid of bees. Already in the year 8000 a. C., New Guinea and Southeast Asia began to extract juice from the sugar cane plant and...

Moving on stage: when and how to move on stage when speaking

If you had been with me at the New Zealand Toastmasters convention in 2009, you would have seen me in the back of the room with my camcorder, recording the humorous contest speeches. Most of the time it was pretty easy. Get close enough and then make small movements...

Ways to purposely lose muscle mass

Is it politically incorrect to say “lose muscle on purpose”? You always hear people say lose weight. I am as guilty as anyone else. For the most part, it’s something people don’t like to face head-on. For some, it makes perfect sense that they try to lose muscle because...

Bodyweight Exercises: Bear Crawl Vs Tiger Walk

Bodyweight exercises are another means of exercising without using external weights such as dumbbells, free weights, or other fitness equipment. In this article I will talk about two bodyweight exercises that are exceptional for building strength and endurance. And at the same time, you will burn a significant amount...

Why Swimming Is Good Cardio Exercise

Swimming could be performed as a cardiovascular exercise to increase cardiovascular fitness, the value of which will be explained later. First you need to know what cardiovascular fitness is and why we need to do cardiovascular exercises to maximize our cardiovascular health. Cardio workout Cardiovascular fitness is your body’s...

Healthy eating at fast food places: are you kidding me?

Is it possible to eat healthy in a fast food restaurant? Big name chains like McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger King, and Taco Bell want you to think that. All of these restaurants offer some type of “healthy” alternative on the menu to appeal to those who are watching their weight...

Does sprinting increase height?

Does sprinting really increase your height? And if so, how much taller can you grow by running? What are the different ways to sprint? I used to sprint with a lot of different people and what I have found is that not everyone understands the same thing. In my...

Quick-change dumbbells – a great way to start weight training

Quick-change dumbbells are a great way to solve the problem that most traditional dumbbells present. You have to have several sets of dumbbells if you want to change your weight routines. This presents a number of problems including space limitations for the user and the amount of time wasted...