Ways to purposely lose muscle mass

Is it politically incorrect to say “lose muscle on purpose”?

You always hear people say lose weight. I am as guilty as anyone else. For the most part, it’s something people don’t like to face head-on. For some, it makes perfect sense that they try to lose muscle because they want to.

Aren’t you supposed to gain as much muscle as possible?

There is always talk of losing weight or losing fat, but never losing muscle. People always seem to view muscle loss in a negative light. Actually, following what the mainstream media say, gaining muscle is much better than losing it … but is it always like this?

Nine years ago, I lost over 25 pounds of muscle

I spent over 12 years trying to get as big as possible by exercising. I couldn’t find clothes that fit well, I felt heavy and slow, and I was tired of carrying all the extra weight. I also realized that I didn’t really look good and despite how big I was, it seemed like I was trying too hard. I lost weight in about a year. Now that I have fewer muscles to carry, these last nine years I have felt and looked better than ever. This is how I achieved this:

All direct resistance training on my legs was cut

Since I always thought it was very important to train the lower body and upper body, this decision was difficult for me. When you have big legs, almost any type of resistance exercise will allow you to maintain that size. I did lunges and used light weights. Low rep training was also tested. For the most part, low-rep training isn’t known to improve muscle size much, but when it comes to your legs, you have to be careful.

The best way to lose muscle is through Marathon Cardio

Marathon Cardio is the thing to do to start losing muscle mass. When doing steady-state cardio, at medium to high intensity on a treadmill for an extended period of time, this is known as marathon cardio. Try for 45-60 minutes at the fastest pace you can safely do during that time. Boxers use marathon cardio to “gain weight” for an upcoming match. It is really known as road work, but it is a very high intensity running over an extended period of time.

The process is faster and fewer calories are consumed

By consuming fewer calories during this time period, you can really see results faster, but don’t overdo it. Anyway, it’s great to eat fewer calories sometimes throughout the year, so your body can detox and your digestive system can get a little rest. Just don’t eat anything before you start exercising, and also not immediately after exercising, you should wait 1-2 hours before eating.

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