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Health Fitness

Ten tricks to lose weight

Losing weight isn’t just a matter of eating the right foods and getting enough exercise, it’s also a matter of developing your mental side because unless you put yourself in the right frame of mind, your weight loss efforts are doomed to fail. Here are ten tricks to lose...

Tru Chocolate Business Review – Is True Chocolate a Scam?

Tru Chocolate is a company that offers chocolate that is supposedly healthy and also gives people an income opportunity through network marketing. They’ve gained a lot of buzz for their claim to have healthy chocolate (who wouldn’t want to lose weight eating chocolate?), but the real question is simply...

13 Ways to Lose Belly Fat Without Exercising

Do you want to lose abdominal fat without exercising? It’s totally possible. What it takes is having the right mindset and being able to do whatever it takes to achieve your goal. As we enter 2018, figure out how many pounds you want to lose in the first 3...

Weight loss benefits of massage

There is no doubt that receiving a massage makes you feel great. Even having a deep tissue sports massage makes you feel wonderful afterwards. Massage can relieve stress, help you recover from strenuous physical activity or injury, and even reduce anxiety, but can it help you achieve your weight...

You can do cardio dance! 10 tips to get moving

It looks intimidating, doesn’t it? That room in the gym where they have classes with names like Cardio Kickboxing, Step Funk and Pump ‘n’ Jump. while you passed, you’ve seen the jocks out of the corner of your eye – it seems like a lot of fun. But you...

Are you weighing wrong?

Have you ever seen the Pixar movie “Cars”? It is set on Route 66, a historic route between Chicago and Los Angeles. In fact, according to and, Route 66 was an important route for immigrants and other travelers heading west. The people who did business along the...

How sugar makes us fat

Why with low fat and fat free foods, a trip to the beach still shows us that people keep getting fatter, fatter, and EVEN fatter? The answer lies in all the sugar-laden foods within these low-fat and non-fat foods. They may be low in fat, but they sure missed...

Use your office time to stay in good shape

The benefits of exercise to reduce stress and support the overall health of your body are well known. If you sit in an office at a desk all day, then you may feel compelled to exercise only outside of work hours by walking, running, or participating in a fitness...

Treadmill Walking and Other Great Treadmill Workouts

Home treadmills are great for losing weight, toning muscles, and staying in shape. You can start with a slow walk on the treadmill and then a brisk walk on the treadmill and then move on to more exciting exercises on the treadmill. There are many different treadmills with a...