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Health Fitness

Mini Stepper Workouts – Lose weight with a Mini Stepper

Some people are under the impression that mini step workouts are not that effective due to the small size of these step exercises. It is true that when it comes to mini steppers there is a lot of crap out there. Cheaper models have low levels of strength, can...

prison cell training

Have you ever noticed that many convicted felons go into prison as skinny punks but come out with 20-40 pounds of new muscle? Have you ever wondered how that is possible? A client of mine recently asked me if I thought it was possible to build muscle, burn fat,...

Eat out? make the right decisions

Going out to eat is very common in today’s world. You don’t want to be the outsider by forever refusing to eat out with friends, family, and colleagues in an attempt to eat good home-cooked meals and stick to your health goals. Also, people are traveling more than they...

Can black magic help you lose weight?

Have you tried traditional weight loss methods? Of course you have. Nothing seems to work, right? Obesity and weight gain are a modern day curse that exercise and traditional weight loss advice seem powerless to address. But there is another way. I guarantee that you can lose weight with...

How to understand nutrition labels

Having a hard time understanding all those tricky terms on Nutrition Facts labels? Fear not because you are not alone. Saturated fats, trans fats, partially hydrogenated oils, caboxymethylcellulose, sodium hexametaphosphate, maltodextrin… it’s all too much to digest. We want to help you understand the foods you’re eating so you...

8 great tips to avoid eating problems when traveling

One of the best parts of traveling is trying and savoring all kinds of new and delicious foods, whether you’re driving across the state or flying around the world. And it’s definitely fun to let loose and eat things you wouldn’t normally eat for a week at home, that’s...

The best natural remedies to stop heartburn

Heartburn, medically referred to as GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), occurs when stomach acid backs up into the food pipe (esophagus). Such acid reflux irritates the esophagus and one feels a burning sensation behind the chest. Although GERD is a chronic digestive disease, occasional heartburn can be considered a condition...

Top 7 Foods to Avoid With Cold Sores

Foods to avoid with cold sores are key foods that contain high levels of the amino acid arginine and low amounts of lysine. You have probably heard of arginine and lysine. These are two amino acids that are present in most foods. Arginine and lysine have a great impact...

How to Build a Skin Care Routine

Build a Skin Care Routine When you’re just starting out, building a skin care routine can seem a bit overwhelming. You’ll want to start with basic products. Investing in quality products will help you avoid making costly mistakes later on. You should start with a cleanser, toner, and moisturizer....